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Capricious Caroline

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 6226    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, cloudless sky, and it endowed the earth with a ruddy suggestion of warmth, but it was merely a suggestion

nd. She had a pinched lo

Miss Betty," she feebly p

and weak; in any case B

nd she curveted gracefully

in it!" she declared, as she paus

at Caroline wit

n," she said


this, and then proceeded

entially to the smaller one, "she can't know as much as me and you, 'cause

looking at Caro

head on one side, and her eyes black as sloes, full of

atched them with pleasure and some envy

roline, when at last they turned homewards. "Now I never do know what

er walk flushed and dish

e in her the thin, white-faced, rath

Brenton met. She had accompanied the children back to t

rs. Brenton was urged to be with Mrs. Lancing

amilla scribbled, "and I shall feel fortified t

rom the thought of acceptin

e said earnestly, "but still I don'

n answered t

pitable person in the world, and I know she will be very d

desirable to add more than t

; in all probability the suggestion Camilla had made about

say, she arranged her hair carefully and put on her shabby hat an

la, who had evidently been waiting for them, pounce

next moment, "and looks more like a poached egg than ever. By the way, you are going to have a wretched lunch, my dear friends, so I warn you!... I did intend giving you something nice, and Violet loves good things to eat, but she would sniff at a sole if she saw it on my table, and faint if

up the stairs, Camilla slipped

ou stay with them. I wish you would! I am so tired of having ignorant and unsympathetic people about them.

ot find it ver

her; it was so new, too, and so pleasant to b

er voice it was

't know anything about me. I am sure you would want some one cleverer and better than I am, and then"-Car

napped he

dear sister-in-law crawling down to see what I am doing. Betty will come down to lunch," Camilla added, "and it would be so sweet of you if you would just keep an eye on her; she shall sit next t

ed Mrs. Lancing

won her heart very much as the children had won it. Ther

nd moved, and excited, but

wing-room door, Mrs. Lanc

that Betty has her hair done, and that her face and hands are washed. Her aunt always examines her as if sh

ed up the stairs, and she glanced at herself in a long mirror that

, and she had carefully denuded herself of all the little jewelry that she was ac

e was rather plump, with masses of yellowish hair, had short-sighted eyes, and a dull

g. Like Camilla's own charming person, the room had been swept of in

wers had been ca

r hat? It looks as if you were going to rush away so soon,

ncing shook he

d, "we are going back by the three-fifty train, so I mu

and-by. You have no idea, Agnes, how much I like Miss Graniger ... t

atters would have gone so far in so short a time, and resented the pre

amilla?" asked Mrs. Lancing, getting u

and said in a low tone, "Don't glare at me so fiercely, Agnes.... I have arranged

ncing put down

he said coldly. "I did not know you wen

la la

last! I hope you can eat leg of mutton, Violet? I confess I am not very fond of it, but," w

aroline's. She allowed herself to be kissed with reluctance by her

sing luncheon; the mutton was underdone, the greens were gritt

eyond my means, you kno

gh as she remembered the dainty fa

, but Mrs. Horace Lancing, who

ood," she observed, "

milla open

she asked; "and I am always

d of the table, had a good deal to say to

r mother, forgetful for the moment, gave her permission to carry round a silver basket from the sideboa

ful, you see, Violet," Cam

looking at the dessert thr

one a mixture of satisfact

at she had locked away her tradesmen's bo

tiously carried her burden from one to another. "A present," she said, "Mr. Haverfor

her sister-in-law, "who is

ning, her little voice clear and high, "I wish he'd come and sleep with us, mumsy ... that would be really, really fun! I'm sure he wouldn't snore like nurse does,

s manner and in the unnatural voice that some people think necessary to affect with children. Betty resented her

ad cut the holland, and, like their mother, they had already att

nd Caroline would have gone too, but a p

mfortable as Mrs. Horace, failing in conversational efforts,

little children to have such long hair. And I think Elizabeth is looking very thin,"

children in her arms; surreptitious

s Graniger, I think it must be another walk, it is

the sisters-in-law were left alone they heard sounds of laughter

have such a nice gov


ly. I suppose you have good references with that girl? To me she looks too young," she said the next moment; "and Elizabeth needs to be in suc

a child, so I don't know how to

in front of the fire

ing disagreeable was coming, and she ran

eature, much less me. When I was naughty he gave me chocolates instead of the whip; but, on the whole, I was a fairly good child. I have a theory, you know, Violet, that sympathy can do far

ve much to grumble at

her and frowned sligh

id. "I can see that you have

d," said Mrs. Horace, stiffly. "You had your quarter's a

o hands. She had expected the usual tirade; not this. So Horace had given her aw

ly weary of this kind of thing! There came upon her a reckless sort of feeling to speak out frankl

oney. I only found it out by chance the other day, and I must say I am surprised, Camilla, that you should have gone to Horace for help. You know perfectly well that we have the hardest work to get along on

house and home," Camilla said. She had grown pale. Except on

an only repeat that you have no right to borrow from us. Horace advanced you a hundred pounds last August, and you promised faithfully to give it back to him

p and kicked

t know how pressed I was in September. I have an awfully hard time to make ends meet. Of course, Ned's fathe

age splendidly if you did what you ought to do-cut down expenses in every dir

oved abou

ways and means when...?" She hurried on, "Colonel Lancing himself decided that it was best for me to sta

ay say, you know as well as I do that you ought to have paid Horace back as you arranged." There was a little pause. "I shall be very much obliged if you will let me know what you are going

he window flicking

n such a moment the sordidness of this perpetual difficulty with money, the ugliness of

signified had been very brief. After a good deal of deliberat

on. The cheque had gone to her bank the day before, and already she had drawn very largely against it. She dared not drain the money in its

en her obligation to her brother-in-law. She regretted now, impatiently enough, that she had not drawn upon Haverford for a much lar

enumerated the many necessities her life lacked, and all that she would have done durin

her brother-in-law must have passed t

family who had shown her a particle of sympathy, and she felt honestly sorry

rtain slip fro

do anything now, really I can't; bu


ll be, 'Violet dear, I am so very sorry, but can't yo

ming colour on her cheeks; she was adju

t of thing!" said Camilla, hotly;

der it was awfully mean of you to go to Horace, and not to let me know a word about it. We have all sorts of worries ourselves, and the boys cost us no end of money; but you are just Ned all over again, Camilla! Everythin

sary?" Camilla ask

Horace wa

ou can't pretend so easily with me, Camilla! I know perfectly well that your life isn't dull and miserable as you try to make us believe, and I know, too, why you never

, and you are talking a lot

way from the

. I know if Horace had asked Ned ... to help him in the old days he would have done it, and gladly, too!" She caught her breath, and

pression with her mouth, and rose to

. Give Horace my love, and tell him I am extremely hurt with him

conversation and relieve the strained atmosphere, Camilla asked after the health of all the people she detested. She was particularly anxious to know

she said it. "I think it only friendly to let you know, Camilla, that grandpa is not very nice about you just now," she said. "Though yo

with me. That is nothing n

g looked at her in

if he were to stop your allowance? I have heard him threaten this more than once. And then he complains bitterly that you never take the children to see

eyes wer

ill. If Colonel Lancing wants to se

r an instant on the other woman's face; evi

ghed. "The suburbs have their uses all the same sometimes, haven't the

ed her departing

t have a cab; it is ge

on the hall table beside

d Camilla. "It is some chocolate, it won

t of the fire. With a sigh, she clasped her hands round one knee, and swayed backwards and f

ancing, and then she went forward and p

? Did she scratch

ned and lau

s she came on purpose to be disagreeab

r knitting on one of the small tables the day before, and she took

Vaguely she wondered to herself how many hund

otherwise I could not possibly have been given such a sco

way, "you had realized what to expect from Violet Lancing. Dear c

her. Did you see the cut of her skirt? And tea at the stores is the only gaiety she ever has, poor

nt's pause C

appears he is extra furious with me because I never take the children to see him.... How can I? If h

took this matt

you imagine. He set his face against your marriage with Ned, not because he objected to you personally; that would have been ridiculous," interpolated Mrs. Brenton with a smile; "but

wo small hands to shield

She moved restlessly. "I wish I could cut them all out of my life, especially the old man. What a diffe

rd suddenly an

ords, and then, dearest, you shall have something to eat. On second thoughts, I am not sorry that Violet had a bad lu

sock, and her needles clicked musica

ught to do anything withou

at this moment. She got up and began to arrange the room in a restless fashion, unlocking drawers, and taking out all t

mile. "You must remember that Miss Graniger

moved im

very ridiculous. You know I must have some one for the children, an

rry," said Mrs. Brenton. And then she a

can't very well draw back now. I have practically engaged the girl, and I settled that we would discuss terms and othe

ought in and placed, M

I am ravenous. How much do you think I ought to give he

on, and then she sighed. "When w

putting a pleading note in her voice, "will you arrange all this

ture; the door was half open, and they ca

briskly and went to the door. "I hope you are not tired, Miss Graniger? Oh,

and had her arms about the girl's neck, he

mmy," she said plaintive

ine to carry her, but"-with a shrug of her shoulders-"you k

smiled, and ki

clung to the girl affectionately. So Camilla went u

ve tea with her, but the children opposed t

aw them seated at the table luxur

illa said to Caroline. "Dennis

ennis to the rescue, so Mrs. Lancing went downstairs, and wore

re sorry for her. Can't you imagine the sort of existence that she has had in Mrs. Baynhurst's house. Well, here at least she will be treated like a human being." Then abruptly

patched by a cab, and requested

ve," Camilla said, "but if he has any-well, n

d had been called to the north unexpectedly. Further, it appeared that the butler ha

miled as she s

and go thoroughly into this Graniger busin

moved pe

is just your pet idea of what a man should be-solid, stodgy, prosaic. A creatu

again, "there is a good deal to be said in favour o

some sandwiches, and th

ment is simply honeycombed with holes, and one stands the chance of being jerked out of a cab, and perhaps out of existence, too, every other moment. Anyhow," she determined, brightly, "this settles m

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