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Carried Off


Word Count: 2264    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

alina was assured that he was alone she let him in, being herself very curious to know the ins and out

this means, and are we to be roasted and eaten alive by thos

ul in the extreme, and

th such paltry ragamuffins! It seems we were never meant to resist, but I said it was by your orders, Se?orito. You remember that you would insist on taking us out to the walls, though our orders were to do nothing. Anyhow, Captain Morga

ten the Captain's wrath, which, he had learnt by this time, was not to be despised, e

ade her brother from going down below, but in vain

ward. Besides, you might suffer for my refusal. This c

ll you not?' asked Etta, turning towards Harry.

r. Aylett, they would indeed be astonished; and yet I have tried to do my duty and not forget my God and country in the midst of this godless crew. But trust me

call you Harry Fenn. Seeing you is almost as if I were at home among my relatio

ion. He was, too, a little jealous of Etta's evident happiness at talking to one from her own country; and besides, he could not bear to feel that he was himself virtually a prisoner in his own

dismayed by a sight such as he had

eginning to flood the hall, showing that the long night of anxiety was over. In the sky beautiful clouds tinged with every conceivable shade of crimson and gold were making lovely backgrounds for the tall palm-trees and the other forest giants; but of all this beauty the soldiers and the buccaneers thought nothing. Henry Morgan was anxious, now that he was in possession of the island, to secure it permanently for future need, and, as soon as he could, to send on some of his

from his chair and paced nervously up and down the small platform, muttering audibly, 'I did it for the best. There has been no

Se?or Governor, I suppose this young sprig is your son, and the one who led the as

e poor Marquis, who in spite of his own con

Some one is answerable for the death of tw

ent the entrance of my skirmishing party, when they held a pass from the Governor hims

tily, 'and I was bound to fight in the defence

etter. How now, Harry--what hast thou been about? Thou shouldst have taugh

though respectful enough, had never yet been made to act against his will and his conscience; and when some of the men would have liked to use brute force, and shake what they call

espised the Governor, who had been such a weak tool in his hands, and was rather glad to punish h

by rights be hanged on one of your own bananas; but, considering your youth, I will merely imprison you in your own castle. De

erstand the language, though he could see the angry frown on the Captain's face, looked from the latter to Carlo, wondering what was bein

will never deliver my sword to any man,

d out his father anxiously. 'Silly boy! what can you do against a

ow Harry Fenn clearly understood what was taking place, and secretly much admired the Spanish boy; but he knew only too

scornfully; and when he laughed he was more to be dreaded than when he swore. 'It

this house,' said Carlo, not daunted, but flushing with anger; '

oung scorpion and fling him into the dungeons here; for I guess there are some down below in which brave Englishmen have before

his young Spaniard: he was as brave as a lion under the walls, and bravery ought to f

irls here, and that one is an English prisoner or slave: go and tell them


in this helpless state he was dragged from the hall; whilst the Marquis, rising to his feet, protested in vain against the outrage to his son. The truth was that Captain Mo

e island till they had finished their feast, Captain Morgan (who was a very abstemious man himself) left the hall, begging the Marquis somewhat roughly to show him over the place and to give him all the keys

e dungeon below, old Pedro being forced to show the way. Presently, after passing through dark passages, the porter opened the door of a

nd many a pirate has made acquaintance with it,' he adde

llow, give me the key and let me lock it myself; there's no treachery these

he delivered up the key he thought with a smile on his face,

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