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Carried Off

Chapter 7 TREACHERY.

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

as entering his own private room, he looked ten years older. At this m

rised, and the papers he hel

y it is not true! There is yet time: the messengers have not yet

' cried the Marquis, angrily; 'you were not in the council

ave suggested is unworthy of you; it cannot be true that Don Estevan del Camp

land against such a body of desperate men as Captain Morgan had with him, the Marquis begged the Captain to use a certain stratagem of war in order to make it appear to the people that the place was taken in honest fight. Captain Morgan was, according to this plan, to come at night to the bridge which divided the two islands, and here he was to attack Fort St. Jerome. In the meanwhile the pirate ships were to approach as near as possible to Santa Teresa and attack it from the sea; also at the s

y propose but enforce on the majority of the men composing the council; though Don Francisco

is idea, and for this reason he had had him shut out from the deliberations. He was therefore all the more indig

eneral massacre of my garrisons, when by this simple means we shall avoid all loss? And in a few days these wild robbers will leave the island for other more

f this plan were carried out, must come on his father's name. However secret these negotiations might now be kep

s can easily overtake the messengers. Father, be angry

assion than ever with his son wh

yourself a prisoner on parole. Do not leave your sister's dwelling-room till I give you leave; and

glorious deeds, and these dreams had only ended in a story of shame. Going to his own room, he gazed down on the glorious tropical gardens and woods of his beloved home, and caught sight of the Governor's canoe sta

. He knew that the sham attack would not take place till night, for evil deeds hate daylight, and there was a long time

r and Etta entered his head. Tales of captivity endured by women and children when they fell into the pirates' hands crowded into his head. How could he trust his father now? Certainly he must be losing his mind: this was the onl

d been sent as a prisoner, the girls at

hat is th

start with the answer. Ah, those robbers will understand we

idels don't understand that the saints protect

or they are reported to be very strong--is there any place where you and the girls might hi

ieged for a year it would be of no use; we have fleet Indians who can pass through the forest, and

t to be prepared. Well, anyhow, I shall go out to fight to-night; for it is

told me of it. That is safe enough. If any steps are heard without we can easily run down the stairs, and a door there leads to the dungeons b

eave off talking of danger, Carlo, when there is none. You frighten us for nothing. Look how lovely the garden is after last night

ing?' added Etta. 'He says it is bad luck and an evil sign, but I to

the terrible pirates, and were anxious now to be allowed to go out into the wood. But as the only gate Santa Teresa possessed was closed, with strict orders to let no one in or out, they had to co

ared not leave the room till he knew his father had gone forth with his band of men towards St. Matt

looked down from the window and saw the torch-light fall on his father's face he would hardly have known him, so changed was he. Carlo knew now that there was no help for it; he must onl

n his merely gazing out of the window; 'and is it not strange father has not come to wish us good-bye? Catalina says he told her

all this, he dared not betray his father: it was better to be thought a cowar

s of the defeat of the rebels. Then after a time the guns of St. Jerome were heard booming through the night air, and all rushed to the window--to

in the name of Heaven and Santa Teresa! Do no

oor and seized the fa

Andreas? Sp

of pirates are climbing up towards the castle, and

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