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Carried Off


Word Count: 3098    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

slands were always reckoned as one. The children were quite ignorant of the reason of their sudden trip to the greater island, and indeed they only thought of enjoyin

at the Governor of Panama begged Don Estevan del Campo to keep a sharp look-out at St. Catherine, for that island had once been in the hands of the English pirates, and it was known that since the great buccaneer Mansfelt had died and the island had been re-taken by the Spaniards great hopes were entert

ad increased terribly of late years. Jamaica, though it had a Governor supposed to be engaged in suppressing them, was yet quite a nest of these bold outlaws, who, taking advantage

down the river this very evening in order to ask for help and advice from the Governor of Costa Rica, Don John Perez de Guzman, who had five years before so ably retaken the island. But all this amount of thought and anxiety had quite unnerved the poo

ut towards the beautiful bay; but when Felipa, who was very musical, and could sing in French, Spanish,

or Espada is a revengeful man, and he has great influence with the other men in the fort, some of whom were once outlaws from Puerto Velo. I wish I were a man and that

ubled about his father she was very sorry, for the bo

, nor the gentle Indians hunted with dogs as you say they are sometimes. My father used to tell me of the dreadful cruelties used towards those poor people in

e lute, saying, as the sweet to

y. Andreas loves us clearly; and we make the negroes, not the Indians,

as right: it was not suitable to talk of human miseries when all around nature was so exquisite. Old Catalina soon came in with the evening supper, saying the Marquis had gone out and would sup alone; and very early the girls retired

air the girl was, she murmured: 'It is a pity this pretty child is a Protestant; but I hope when she is older she will be one with us; for otherwise the Mar

in her young mistress's room; but, being a heavy sleeper, she did not hear a hasty knock at the door

hrowing a coloured shawl about her,

rlo?' she said

tside the bay. They will land early to-morrow, perhaps opposite this very fort. I beseech you, make all haste you can.' In a few

uick! make haste and dress, for the Marquis s

g her hands as poor Fe

ve believed those wicked wretches would have dared to show themselves here again,

e Spanish girl's terror. Etta was brave, and in many ways fearless in all ordinary affairs; but the cry 'The pirates are coming!' was one of the most dreaded in the West Indies--a cry

arquis and Carlo waiting for them. The former was walking up and down the

not better to evacuate the Platform and concentrate our forces on the lesser island batteries? The fo

t would be the best plan, give orders to your men. Ah, here are the children. Are the horses ready? We have no time to waste; and yet what

fight, I am sure I shall be able to defend this place.

the horses ready? Now, Felipa, wrap your scarf well round you; we h

pa; whilst Etta, looking at Carlo's fearless expression of face, dete

he small island that night, and contrasted strangely with that which had co

Felipa kept close to her father, as if near him she would be quite safe from the dreaded foes. Every now and then she looked b

o Carlo, as if she could be heard fro

r to give the news, hearing my father was here. However, of course they may think better of attacking us. José believes he recognises one of Mansfelt's old ships; but I think terror gi

emerged on the sea coast, for towards the north of the island the cliffs became

. We shall now soon be in safety. The rascals cannot climb our mountain; and if they come

s great moat, its impregnable cliff on the sea-side, and its difficult ascent towards the land, was a secure retreat, where the Govern

y home.' And this feeling made the proud, brave boy forget that fighting does not always mean victory, and caused him not to be altogether sorry that he should have a chance of distinguishing himself, and perhaps--who kne

l sights and sounds, forgot their fears, and, after a little rest and refreshment, began, as before, running happily abo

d, 'nor the punishment our people will give them. I am sure Carlo would have

e they will not hurt us. Do you know that, in the excitement of the journey,

t likely she would have forgotten her own faith; but early troubles had made her old in ideas, and passionate love for her dead parents kept all their wishes in her mind. She would sooner have died than have become a Roman Catholic, and at present the Marquis had not taken the trouble to inquire into the matter. Had Felipa not wanted a companion, Etta's fate might have been a sad one; as it was, she enjoyed all the privileges of the Governor's little daughter. But often the English girl would steal awa

ernoon Carlo, who had been round the fort with his father, ran in to

they made dried meat of them already?' said Catal

housand strong, and their leader is no other than the terrib

n we shall need all our men. But they canno

ugged his

nder at their rashness, for here we are so well prepared to receive them that they will find it too warm

il?' asked Felipa, looking upon her b

as any one. Etta, you shall tie my scarf, a

ok her h

l be angry with me, Carlo; and yet my father was

cises with great show and laughter, till Catalina and some slaves arrived, and desired the young people to come and help with the defence

of his father's: it seemed to pre

e allowed to speak, I will offer to lead out a party from Santa Teresa, and the robber

able to hide his fears, paced restlessly up and down without the castle, often sending negro scouts on all sides to ascertain the real truth; but he got su

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