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Word Count: 1982    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

self-control. He felt his knees shake so that he caught at the edge of the table before which he was standing. There was no possible doubt about it, he had been tricked. Von

ction, from which Bellamy's message had summoned him. Before him on the table was an envelope, hastily torn open, and several sheets of blank paper. It was upon these

y, "it is not like you to

lamy answered. "I-yes,

r glanced a

o be done?

more inside, held up the blank sheets of paper to the lamp and laid them down. Then with

. Only an hour ago I met Von Behrling in a little restaurant in

Minister remarked slowly, "w

y admi

the honest truth, sir, and I have had experience in these things, I thought it no risk at all when I handed over the money. Von Behrling was there in


e, "even now I believe that Von Behrling made a mistake. An envelope such as this had been arranged for him to show the others or leave at t

lanced once mo

he Embassy to-night, especially if he was in disguise.

s footsteps. I can find out before morning where he went when he left our rendezvous. There is another way, too. Mademoiselle-th

r nodded th

n. The Secret Service estimates, as you know, are above supervision, but

k paper with his forefinger.

shall be re

dly. "The money, after all, in comparison with what it was destined to p

o back to his country. In that case, I will have the money from him without a doubt. If, on the other h

he Cabinet Council to-day a very serious tone prevailed. We do not understand in the least the attitude of several of the European Powers. It can be understood only under certain assumptions. A note of ours sent through the Ambassador to Vienna has remained unanswered for two days. The German Ambassador has left unexpectedly for Berlin on urgent business. We have

"In Vienna and Berlin to-day they look at an Englishman and s

hed, and there was a fierce light in his hollow eyes. Those who were int

y administration, when for ten years I have prayed from the Opposit

" murmure

ave to mobilize," he added, with a little sigh. "At the very best, however, our position is pitiful. Even if we are prepared to defend, I am afraid that we shall see things on the Continent in which we shall be driven to in

rned towar

phone in your bedr

time in the night or mor

alf-past one, but he had no fear of not being a

t retired?" Be

with a welcoming smile. "It is only a

eous in blue satin and pearls. Her other maid was takin

he said, holding out her hands. "You expected t

handle. It was securely closed. He came back slowly

e exclaime

eard from V

-night. I have been expecting him to telephone e

d desperate; he had the air of a man who has cut himself adrift from the world. I gave him the money,-twenty thousand pounds in Bank of England notes, Louise,-and he gave me the papers, or what we thought were the papers. He told me

ook he

en no message

lope," continued Bellamy. "When I took it to-

cheeks. She looked at hi

t he meant to do

what has become of him. He might even, if he fancies himself safe, destroy the envelope he has, beli

eclared. "There are plenty of roo


er I go. That fellow Streuss has spies everywhere. That

serious!" Lo

sked. "You have never had

w him for a moment this morning. He was in deadly earnest. He gave me a ring-a trifle-but

prang to

once. Fortunately, I had a man shadowing Von Behrling, and there may

se," she

," he asked slowly, "that he

ddered for

it, so I am sure there

will wait. Dear," he added, in an a


ou speak naturally even for a moment-

she came to him with a li

all be able to give up this life of anxiety and terrors.

sed him

ere is hope!"

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