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Word Count: 2932    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

demoiselle Idiale. Assured that he was not watched, he softly turned the handle of the door and entered. Louise w

red, "I dared not knock, and I


ys prepared here. The porter, the ticket-man, and

ppened," h

ittle and her fa

low!" she

peaking in a cautious undertone. "He would not be warned. I could

call pig-headed

I got into that small coupe next to Von Behrling's, and I feel sure, fr

on the train?"

red. "Then there are four or five Secret Service men of the rank and file, but they are all t

oes he go on to London?

emember that this affair of Dorward will be talked about. They do not want to seem in any wa



hat I shall just catch the Northern Express to Berlin. From there I shall


tzroy S

He should not be difficult. To tell you the truth, I am rather surprised that he has been trusted upon a mission like this. He was in disgrace with the Chancellor a short while ago, and I know that he was hurt at not

ows rose up. She look

retends to be very much in love with me, but I do not think that he would sell his country. The

n his, gripping them wit

hat art or guile-call it what you will-which passes from you through a man's blood to his brain, and carries him indeed to Heaven-but carries him there mad. Louise, don't be angry with me for what I say. Remember that I know my sex. I know you, too, and I trust you, but you can turn Von Behrling from a sane, h

hich chased one another through her brain. He wished to make use of her-of her, the woman w

the moment they reach London this docume

up another packet to resemble precisely the one of which he robbed Dorward. Oh! it is a difficult game, I know, but it is worth playing. Remember

looking into his face. "Oh, you ma

turned out, but the morning was cloudy and the light dim. Back in his own berth,

t at the next st

onsieur," the

oked at hi

e a Fre

so, Mon

ieve that if I asked you a question and it concerned s

the salt of the earth. Germans and Austrians-why, they existed as t

got in at Vienna," he said. "The

"As yet I think they are fast asleep. N

e they bo

ndon, M

ed, "to have heard them say anything

e gentlemen have been inquiring about the boat across t

my no

et that I have asked you any questions concerning them.

d outside and put his head o

eclared. "If anything is said about leaving the

well," Bell

eturned in a

dressed and in their pyjamas. They have ordered th

my no

r the English gentleman-meaning you-was going through to London or not. I told them tha

id. "If they ask any more

e a sufficiently effective toilette. At a few minutes before the time for luncheon, she walked down th

u, then!" she exclai

moustache and blue eyes, he was often taken for an

st, Mademoiselle?" he asked,

luncheon? The car is full of men and I am not comfortable a

clared. "Will you per

aw, too, that Von Behrling only became more obstinate and that he was very nearly angry. She moved a

rving luncheon in five minutes. W

emarked, "did not like your leavin

y twirling his moustache. "Streuss there is an

d her eyebro

on is used to command his policemen, and sometimes he fo

g asserted. "It is his manne

ble, and she sat smiling at

said, "it is at least more p

e declared, with a vigorous twirl o

you-the news which I heard just before I left Vienna?

that?" he a

ated for

quite candid with you, I think it was reported that

is it? What do they know

at the conference ye

ed there, so that

I had learned somehow or other what had transpired. Lately, I am afraid, my interest in my country seems to have grown a trifle cold. Perhaps because I have lived in Vienna

ng eyed he

o hear you talk lik

of the window

as it used to be with me, I must admit. If we had two lives, I would give one to my country and keep one for mys

repeated, a little gloomily. "Ah, that

ngs to get the best out of life. One needs wealth and one needs l

n Behrling admit

years slip by. They can never come again. If one does

years old, and his income barely paid for his uniforms. Of

ike this. You have the world at your feet, Mademo

st eyes in the world grew softer as they look

l me," she continued, "why it is that you have so


ged her s

iter had brought, "if you are poor and content to rem

uld know that-you, Mademoiselle. Life fo

pon the tablecloth. Von Behrling shook like

of these matters. I have a headache. Will you order me some champagne? It is a terrible thing, I know, to drink wine in the morning, but when one travels, what can one do? Here com

he adored was sufficient in itself to have transported him into a seventh heaven. On the other hand

men and pleasure are good things. We two, we love them, perhaps, as you do, but th

e to do. Would you have us three-you and Kahn and myself-travel arm in arm and speak never a word to our fellow passengers? Would you have us proclaim to all the world that we are on a secret mission,

have it! Mademoiselle Idiale is a Servian and a patriot. She is the frien

to Berlin. That itself is the proof that they know nothing. If he had had

to deal with,-he knew that. Mademoiselle Idiale is clever, too. Reme

you want?" Von

f the way with us, and spea

all, it was he who was noble; Stre

ccess. I think that we need talk no more," he went on. "I welcome your companionship. It makes for strength that we travel together. But for the rest, the enterprise has been mine, the success so far has been m

uickly. The siren was alrea

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