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Word Count: 1612    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

e following afternoon to find amongst a pile of correspondence a penciled me

is a chance. You had better get the money ready and come to me here. If R. could only escape from Streuss and those who watch him all the time, I


clean clothes quickly," he ordered. "While I am changing, ring up Downing Street and see if Sir James is th

had left his rooms. Before four o'clock he had arrived at the address which Louise had given him. A commissionaire telephoned his name

good as to come thi

pped at the first floor. He was ushered into

nounced. "She is engaged with a gentleman from the

my no

e said, "that I am entirely at her se

ber. She was wearing a loose gown, but the fatigue of her journey seemed already

med, "thank Heaven

hen she walked to the door, made sure that it was sec

ng that I am being watched on every side since we landed in England. I detest my new

d, "I had your no

rom her. She came suddenly up to him, her hands fell upon his shoulders,

o it for you, I do it for my country, I do it against every natural feeling I possess. I hat

ed and k

lame, but I am only human. We play for grea

s still upon my lips. What I have promised goes for not


she repeat

st have arrived in London when you did last night

ntil late to-night. No one else has a key to the treaty safe, and Von Behrli

my no

bout St

ling has a certain measure of right on his side. His orders were to see with

ight!" Bellamy e


ared, "I think that the doc

it to

crest. Von Behrling, being one of the family, has the same crest. He has prepared another envelope, the same size and weight, and signed

e?" Bellam

ms," she added, glancing at the clock, "and between five and six o'clock this evening you will be rung up on the telephone. A rendezvous will be

's eyes

e this?" he

has seen you, he will make his way to Plymouth. I have promis

y was

back. He will want to shoot you. He may be slo

avid! It is not that of which I am afraid. It is the memory of the man's touch, it is the lo

r into his arms

lfish thing. I am ashamed of myself. I should have known better than to hav


two rooms full of reporters and photographers in the place now. The leader of the orchestra is in my bedroom, and two of the directors are drinking whiskies and sodas with this new manager of mine in the dining-room. B

need never fear that they will be traced. The numbers of notes give

w a lit

nly he would be sensible and get away to the United States or to South Ameri

ountry, I do not believe that he will live to do you harm. The men who are with him are not the sort to stop short at trifles. Besides Streuss and

e shi

he money than for my sake that he does it. That sounds very conceited, I suppose," she added, with a faint smile. "Ah! well, you see, for five years so many

shall come. I am afraid I shall miss yo

n came floating out

beside himself that I came away. I come, Doctor," she called out. "

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