Doesticks, What He Says
ditated autobiography would probably lack incident, and be deficient in interest. I have not as yet invented humbugs enough to earn a Prince-ly title, and nosmall-beer spirit of presumptuous puppyism, been outwitted by her at last, and left to cool my amo
fictitious narrative, to call any members of it miserly and mean, purse-proud and haugh
im a Spaniard; two pages afterward he was an English nobleman; in the fourth chapter an Oriental juggler, balancing a bamboo ladder on his nose, and making a fig-tr
s of election were fair while he was thought to be an American, but who was finally defeated on the ground that he was a Hindoo, and owned stock in the car of Juggernaut. Poetry has been overdone; the gentle art has culminate
the managers of the "Thespian Wigwam," who have added an elephant and a circus company to their company of "gifted artists," I had introduced into my play a rhinoceros, a lioness, two hyenas, a team of "two-forty" reindeers, a coupl
ve. Fantastic and extravagant it will be in many things; but we will do our best to make it agreeable to the palate of the public.
" young ladies, and shall be written in easy words of two
receive his meed of approbation; and I shall also censure, find fault, and critic
are fond of innovation may not lack gratification; and I shall immediately proceed to c
n evil; and on the other hand, I shall advocate learning and science, for there is a very r
persons, and to give their pennies to imposters; and yet I shall not eulogize avarice an
m, lest thereby the dislike of the Orthodoxy be incurred. Nor shall I show myself a partisan of religion of any kind, for the Atheist says it is
, and it is indispensable to the stability of the English throne that its monarchical doctrines be thoroughly comprehended. Every man, woman, child, canal driver, billiard marker,
as Philander was, that this book is one of immense utility, and wi
ks on a