Doesticks, What He Says
ks on a
, suspension bridge, place where the water runs swift, the ladies faint, scream, and get the paint washed off their faces; where the aristocratic Indian ladies sit
ed up to the Falls; another glass of beer and walked under the Falls; wanted another glass of beer, but couldn't get it; walked away from the Falls, wet through, mad, triumphant, victorious; humbug! humbug
ve cents; hired a guide, to whom I paid half a dollar-sneezed four times, at nine cents a sneeze-went up on the tower for a quarter of a dollar, and looked at the Falls-didn't feel sublime any; tried to, but couldn't; took some beer, and tried again, but failed-drank a glass of beer an
ramp in my right shoulder,) gigantic, huge and nice! Oh, thou that tumblest down and riseth up again in misty majesty to heaven-thou glorious parent of a thousand rainbows-what a huge, grand, awful, terrible, tre
d something to eat-went into an eating-house, called for a plate of beans, when the plate brought the waiter in his hand. I took it, hung up my beef and beans on a nail, eat my hat, paid the dollar a nigger, and sided out on the step-walk, bought a boy of a glass of dog with a small beer and a neck on his tail, with a collar with a spot on the end-felt funny, sick-got some soda-water in a tin-cup, drank the cup and placed the soda on the counter, and paid for the money full of pocket-very bad headache; rubbed it against the lamp-post and then stumped along; station-house came along and said if I did not go straight he'd take me to the watch
us (ego fui) humbug est