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Word Count: 1755    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

candles. I saw him as clearly as I could wish, and, indeed, a great deal too clearly; for the more I saw of the man, the more I shrank from the tho

wed the clumsy sneer of a wide, coarse mouth. I watched him with all my eyes, because of his tone of authority abou

ch as he had assumed throughout. "Here it is. Now prick your ears up, and s

nd of Italian cast, but stern, morose, and forbidding, and he never uses razor. On the back of his left hand, near the wrist, there is a broad scar. He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers unc

better than English. Her hair is very nearly black, and her eyes of unusual size and lustre. She is shy, and appears to have been kept un

riumphantly; "most of that came from my information, though I never

ed to, he looked up and rubbed his eyes as if he had been dozing, though he never had been more wide awake, as I, who knew his attitudes

ful, you read me hard asleep. And the gutturals of that furrin English is always a little hard to catch. Mought I trou

urteous that he could not refuse to do as he was asked. But he glanced first at the whiskey bottle standing between the candlesticks; and I knew it boded

time," read the whole of his description, with much emphasis, again, while the Sawyer turned away and beat time upon the hearth, with his white hair, broad shoulders

adfastly, "some thin's is so pooty and so ilegantly done, they seems a'most as good as well-slung flapjacks. A natteral honest stom

visitor, leaping up with a flaming face, an

hind his back-"I mought so do, barrin' one little point. The cutest commissioner in all the West would have to r

aken through every phase of discussion, and had been thoroughly exhausted. His visitor stared at him for a

side of the herring pond. What have I done to 'ri

ore than that to put my back up. But forty years ag

you, even in this land of gold. Ten thousand dollars I offer, and I will exceed my instructions and say fifteen, all paid on the nail by an order on Frisco, about wh

mountains since they were discovered, I could only say what I have said before. You

ve to have a medal from our Humane Society. You propose to turn

ou are afraid of the ten-mile ride, my man at the mill will bed you. But here you must not sleep, becaus

But if I were snowed up at your mill, I never might cross the hill-foot for months; bu

power to confound you. If any one comes prowl

think better of it. Write to this address i

ow the way right well! The snow is beginning. You

im back with me in spite of all your bluster. But over his corpse I have no control, in the present condition of treaties. Neither can I meddle with his daughter, if it were worth while to do so. Keep her and make the best of her, my man. You have taken a snake in the

which foot to kick with. No fear of losing the way to Sylvester's ranch with Firm behind you. But, meddlesome as you be, and a bitter weed to my experience, it shall not be

gainst the window-frames. And so he went out; and when he was gone, I came forth into the fi

poor little soul, what

word, Uncle Sam, and I was

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1 Chapter 1 A LOST LANDMARK2 Chapter 2 A PACIFIC SUNSET3 Chapter 3 A STURDY COLONIST4 Chapter 4 THE "KING OF THE MOUNTAINS."5 Chapter 5 UNCLE SAM6 Chapter 6 A BRITISHER7 Chapter 7 DISCOMFITURE8 Chapter 8 A DOUBTFUL LOSS9 Chapter 9 WATER-SPOUT10 Chapter 10 A NUGGET11 Chapter 11 ROVERS12 Chapter 12 GOLD AND GRIEF13 Chapter 13 THE SAWYER'S PRAYER14 Chapter 14 NOT FAR TO SEEK15 Chapter 15 BROUGHT TO BANK16 Chapter 16 FIRM AND INFIRM17 Chapter 17 HARD AND SOFT18 Chapter 18 OUT OF THE GOLDEN GATE19 Chapter 19 INSIDE THE CHANNEL20 Chapter 20 BRUNTSEA21 Chapter 21 LISTLESS22 Chapter 22 BETSY BOWEN23 Chapter 23 BETSY'S TALE24 Chapter 24 No.2425 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 AT THE BANK27 Chapter 27 COUSIN MONTAGUE28 Chapter 28 A CHECK29 Chapter 29 AT THE PUMP30 Chapter 30 COCKS AND COXCOMBS31 Chapter 31 ADRIFT32 Chapter 32 AT HOME33 Chapter 33 LORD CASTLEWOOD34 Chapter 34 SHOXFORD35 Chapter 35 THE SEXTON36 Chapter 36 A SIMPLE QUESTION37 Chapter 37 SOME ANSWER TO IT38 Chapter 38 A WITCH39 Chapter 39 NOT AT HOME40 Chapter 40 THE MAN AT LAST41 Chapter 41 A STRONG TEMPTATION42 Chapter 42 MASTER WITHYPOOL43 Chapter 43 GOING TO THE BOTTOM44 Chapter 44 HERMETICALLY SEALED45 Chapter 45 CONVICTION46 Chapter 46 VAIN ZEAL47 Chapter 47 CADMEIAN VICTORY48 Chapter 48 A RETURN CALL49 Chapter 49 WANTED, A SAWYER50 Chapter 50 THE PANACEA51 Chapter 51 LIFE SINISTER52 Chapter 52 FOR LIFE, DEATH53 Chapter 53 BRUNTSEA DEFIANT54 Chapter 54 BRUNTSEA DEFEATED55 Chapter 55 A DEAD LETTER56 Chapter 56 WITH HIS OWN SWORD57 Chapter 57 FEMALE SUFFRAGE58 Chapter 58 BEYOND DESERT, AND DESERTS