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Francisco Our Little Argentine Cousin


Word Count: 2094    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

he Plaza opposite, smoking a cigarette; for when not eating or asleep, an Argentine gentleman is seldom seen wi

t opened directly onto the street told him the family were having máte in the patio, which was partly shaded in the lat

alking, each one in turn sucking the fragrant tea through the same silver tub

m the benefits derived from the drinking of the pungent herb itself, it has a significanc

nner of its usage, the fact that he is expected to obtain his share by means of the one, univer

uit Fathers, who were one of the most important factors in the civilization of the lower half of Sout

orated with small holes so that the tea is strained. At the first taste it is exceedingly bitter, but one soon grows very fond of it. It is very stimulating and a gaucho,

h joy. He danced about the patio clapping his hands, and then ran indoors to

rvants, horses and automobiles-and then two whole months in the campo

iss me," and a note of sad

you are doing, and you will write to me; Mamá will read me your letters, and then there

uster that all Argentine schoolboys wear to play in, he was spinning along the asphalt streets, s

as they threaded their way in and out the traffic-crowded streets, among the heavy carts, the noisily clanging electric tram-cars, and low, open victorias filled with elab

alermo?" his uncle asked, as they r

while bounding, for he seldom saw the trees and flowers of the v

the Avenida[5] Alvear," said C

Thursday and Sunday are the afternoons chosen by fashionable Buenos Aires for the diversion of riding or dri

ung heavy about them, coming from the beautiful gardens surrounding the palatial homes. Long arbours of American Beauty roses, looking like crimson lined tunnels; majestic palm trees, over which trailed M

a snail's pace, as the speed on crowded afternoons is limited to a funeral pace,

, pavilions where ices and refrescos were being enjoyed by the gay crowd. At intervals, on splendid black horses, were stationed picturesque looking mounted policemen, th

the chauffeur and said, "Turn towards the Zoological Gardens, Enrique." And then, to the bo

d an answer to the merriment in the older man's. They alighted at the curbing, a

y brought him here, she knew little of the animals and birds; and now with Uncle

g an area of half a city block, built over a small artificial mountai

Hindoo temple, Francisco; let us s

Sure enough, in a park all their own, surrounding the Hindoo temple house, was a family of elephants

ry question that the eager boy put to him, for, during his active service in the army, he had spe


round the garden. As it did not trot, but walked sleepily along with Francisco, having served all day, no doubt, as a vehicle for children visi

If the grass is succulent they can go without water for a long time. When they are domesticated it is for their fine fleece. Their flesh when young is deliciously tender, and it is then that they can be caught with dogs and a lasso, but the old ones can only be sh

lakes where waded and swam many birds of brilliant plumage. Herons and flam

mingoes scarlet and some

t yet in their second year. At old Roman feasts their tongues were considered the g

rs, nor the monkeys, nor the boa-constrictors," co

ver many acres, and contain the finest specimens of any garden on the continent." As they passed out the bugle

the electric lights were beginning to appear one by one. Francisco had never flown so fast and he cuddled close into his u

The windows facing the street were heavily barred, and small balconies of wrought iron projected from each window, over-hanging the pavement a few feet below. The house was flat and of but one story; into this first court opened luxuriously furnished

s, kitchen and servants' quarters. The walls of the high spacious parlours were richly decorated, and the chandeliers were of si

t glass, silver and dinner of many courses, including fish, game, meats, vegetables and fruits, were a source





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