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Francisco Our Little Argentine Cousin


Word Count: 1956    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

oked lonely, but when she saw the car sweep along the street and stop at their door, her face beamed hap

about her, and kissing her on each pale cheek. "Do

and taking her son into a close embrace. "But how I have m

in taking him from you, Ani

he should be taught. It is the very opportunity for him; and I am

take you and Elena with us for a ride. It may bring roses to her ch

el, himself, carried Elena out to it, and placed her in the nest of pillows on the broad leather seat. H

White Rose wish to go

street. I am so tired of it. If I

ver isn't a very pretty sheet of water. It is so murky, and I think

ever it was water, water, water I dreamt

ires the river is over twenty-five miles wide and the c

ard facing the river two blocks away. The intervening space was a maze of small plazas where palms, flowers, shrubs and statuary edge the waterfront like a band of solid g

he sea of funnels and masts stretched until the muddy line of water at last broke on the sight. Francisco was alert, his b

away in one of those big

ail Steam-ship from England. One of these leaves every Friday for England, and besides the mail, carries about fifteen hundred passengers. On one of them you would travel in grea

very automobile came on one of them. There's an Italian liner and just beyond are some German boats. In the South Dock is a river boat that goes up country to Paraguay

Stars and Stripes of North America," cri

merica, although many of our people do not seem to think so. But you do not see many of their flags in our docks. The commercial

all down here, but yellow pine

e country you will see their wind-mills, steam threshers and binders in great quantities. They send us oth

empty to Europe?" inquired Ele

and, when I tell you, those carts carried one hundred and fifty million bushels of wheat last year to those returning ships, to say nothing of millions of sheep, f

he residence district and I ne

ll see the largest wholesale produce market und

and goats stand in sheds, open to the street, awaiting to be milked while the customer waits; past gray spired churches, their wide doors always open, inviting the pious passer-by to enter for prayer; passed fideos factories, where curious shaped macaroni

lready, I fear she has had too long a ride for her strength, and we hope not to tire her on this,

e, in the gathering dusk, an electric light could be seen as if no

ichest newspaper in the world, where the Buenos Aires public can obtain the services of the best doctors, lawyers, or dentists free of charge; invitingly odorous confectioneries or restaurants with small tables on the sidewalks at which handsomely dressed men and women sit eating and drinking and watching the gay multitude;

rit full of love of pleasure and display, bright lights and gay

up, frightened and trembling, but, as she had heard it before, she recognized it, and fell b

e Prensa building and see what h

le had drawn the crowds towards the handsome building from whose tower it was issuing, and they could not reach it within half a block. Mounted policemen were everywhere trying to disperse the crowd. It was good-n

ed the nervous citizens when San Francisco was almost in ashes, and its present message was that a son and heir had been born to the King and Queen of Spain. This was made known from the front steps of the building and very soon the crowd was a che

ing discussing the event of the afternoon, while softly glid

rensa blows that whistle as they did to-d

e up as much steam as that?"

Ni?o, but our city government fines them that amount every time they blow it, as they term it a public nuisance. Now, when they want to indulge in this sensational ad



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