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Francisco Our Little Argentine Cousin


Word Count: 2533    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

cisco's ear, just as the latter was lassoing a ll

is dream to a babel of voices, and the tr

yes again his uncle took

o. We are in Rosari

sistent porters and shouting cab-men made frantic grabs at them and their baggage, only to be beaten

es, they entered, José sitting with the driver, and w

ed the central court on the first floor. The entrance was very imposing with marble staircases and marble pillars; and Francisco's sleepy eyes opened wide in astonish

ngue, pressed chicken and jellied veal. Second, a vermicelli soup with grated cheese; third, fried pejerey, the most popular fish of the country; fourth, partridge fried in oil; fifth, asparagus with melted butte

he had chanced to meet, Francisco slipped away and

are of the sun, the next morning. It was nine o'clock and José was laying out clean linen for him. After

laimed the lad. "Mother and the girls always do that, but I'm a

take one's morning coffee in one's rooms; an

he has placed you in my hands. Rosario, I kn

eat fun, José. Where

at of our country is brought to be loaded into the vessels for Europe. The river

bluff, and from the edge of this they could look down on the very to

est was scarcely under way. In January and February the whol

t interest; he was beginning to compr

h bluffs to the vessels below, until Francisco's eyes grew tired and even when he closed them

t nations displayed on the boats beneath them; English, French, It

he clothes of the city on the rocks at the edge of the water; and

The lavaderas carry the soiled linen from the houses to the river on their heads, balancing

cess Francisco spied a raft-like boat pil

é, among all these enormous frei

harcoal, the principal fuel of that city. Great quantities of it are raised above here; it is quick of growth

e the twigs for making Osier baskets. But hace calor[13] let us go to the cool shady patio of

he mid-day heat meant little to him while so much of novelty challenged his attention. José was always ready to answer his quest

hops were being closed, and under every tree some cart driver had drawn up his horse and stretched h

e ragged beggars wea

has authorized them to beg, and when you help

prolonged sniff. "I believe I'm

this side street

erval of rest were eating their almuerzo. Gathered in little groups, they sat around

ey cooking here

you can see,"

over their backs into the middle of one

market and use their street sh

wash them first,"

block. But the scene was no longer animated for the chattering and bargaining were

shapes; here, a stock of readymade clothing, aprons, trousers, ponchos[14] and shoes. The vegetables were heaped high in piles; tomatoes, beans, lettuce, cardon, celery,

jellied meats; cleaned and cooked armadillo, whose meat tastes like tender roast

These, José told Francisco, were the market carts that brought the produce into the city. They loo

, for as they entered the hotel Francisco caught sight of him, seated in the long dining-room with several gentlemen; all o

d the other a North American, owning ranches near Rosario, and they were

Colonel spoke some English and understood more. Francisco had studied English at school just

a large sale of cattle and horses which was to take place at his e

?o also, he m

heir horses at the curb of the hotel, sad

enthusiasm knew no bounds when he saw th

ly, for he knew that this eagernes

co held on bravely, but the Colonel noticed the firm set of

tender young sprouts were coming up through the rich soil. They passed droves of several thousand sheep nibbling peacefully on this suc

interest in the things they passed. Colonel Lacevera and José exchanged knowing looks, but da

to see the inside of one

k, but he feared to tax h

e up to the door around which a swarm of d

d woman appeared at the door, dressed on

tongue, asking for a drink, she pointed to the square k

sheep; and she had no chairs to offe

in the corners served as beds. Instead of chairs there were dried skulls of oxen; their wide, spreading horns serving as arms to these unique seats. Francisco was glad

bliged to lift him into his saddle. One more league and they

hitecture, and the many buildings grouped aroun

s house, after the manner of all Spanish

glish home; the baths being supplied with cool spring water which flowed through them constantly. There were handsomely furnished parlours, a well-f

al hundred men gathered and the

observed in Argentina as a day of quiet and reverence; it is the day for sports, g

alyptus trees, the table, fully a hundred feet in length, had been s

ecued meats and fowls, vegetables and fruits that were served. But af

pt until his uncle wak

undred thousand dollars and many pedigreed animals have changed hands, and it wasn't done quietly either. We will have our


akes hot,


ittle ov

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