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Word Count: 2436    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

main steps. It was the first time the two men had met in daylight, and with the keenest interest Mr. Ravenel

ech. His silver hair, of which he had a great quantity, set strangely around his dark face, falling low over a brow markedly intellectual. But it was the mouth and

h an excellent seat. Upon seeing Mr. Ravenel he dismounted, removed his cap, and a

he began. "But Katrine's been telling me of you, with some worry, I think, i

d with a compr

s here to-day, gone to-morrow. He works like a galley-slave; his word is as good as his bond when given in honor. And 'tis for others he works always. Generous, he gives all, all, all! his work, his brain, the money it earns, everything! His is a great soul, a very great soul. There's not a man in America, barring the Presiden

ed the next statement better

evening when I met you on the hill. The worst of it is," and he spoke the words brightly and bravely, "I've no excuse for it, if there can be found an excusing for such a habit. The thing is growing upon me in this solitude. I try, God alone knows how I try, for Katrine'

necessary to go, Mr. Dulany. The plan

" and spurring his horse he was off at a gallop down the broad road, and Ravenel stood listening to the horse's hoofs clatter over th

stables. One of the head grooms explained a horse's lameness to him as due to a bad place in the road near t

ing again?"

s past," the g

te little figure, sitting on the garden bench, her head in her hands, the picture of despair. About five o'clock Jerry drove to the station for Dr. Johnston, and the same

g?" Frank said, interr

rce," was the

tter this

actin' up," th

s sat together at the dinner-table at Ravenel. Mrs. Ravenel had left them, and the great doctor, in the ad

those given to the alcoholic habit deny everything or secrete everything concerning it when sober. Sometimes they are sentimental over it, given to self-pity, with even a certain desire for dramatic effects in the statements about themselves. Dulany is still, so far as I can j

try of genius,"

y," Dr. Johnston returned, looking a

If there is no organic trouble, of which I have some fear, the case will be simple enough, if there is the desire in him to help me. He was keen to have his daughter

venteenth. He would have her to himself for ten days, ten days of those caressing eyes, of the charming voice and open adulation, and then? He closed his

and Abt and Schubert songs under the pines at twilight, when their hands touched in the exchange of a flower or a book and lingered in the touching; when their eyes had learned the answering of ea

or him to wear, pinning them in his coat with a flushed cheek, or read, with an ecstasy of appreciation, a line from some great writer, marking a meaning

them. By the fence opening into the main road from the lodge he found Katrine, in her high-waisted black frock, looking out between the bars of the great swinging gate, with

writes he may be quite himself again," she said, wit

than I can say, Ka

o good," she rep

d though the words were trivial t

to call on me?"

"The lawyers at Marlto

me nuts, as though they might be an inducement to remain.

e answered, loo

g her chin upon them, as she looked up at him. "If you will stay with me," she hesitated, searching her mind for further inducements, "I'll tell you tales of Kill

ok his

funny little song t

music (MIDI file)

nd data file for this m

t and true as a bird. "Is s

k asked, no

he spoke she shut her eyes tig

r so plainly as I did," h

, filled by a glance wh

nt on, at length, "I could

ar her at all now-that Du

hesitated, "a

his eyes

nicest I hav

s eyes on the

, almost in a whisper, her ey

ang to the ground a

ty?" sh

g tells me that there's nothing in all the world of

me the veering in her moods for wh

you going?

lephoned for me



eep them waiting becaus

whole world,"

lower-a horrible one, it is true, but the only one I have. Wear it, and g

e," he sai

he mahogany settle together, in a moonless night

in some other place," he ended, inadequately considerin

not an

ne?" he repeat

as no r

y days to live over? Do you wish that t

g her eyes rest in his as she spoke. "I am sorry

cality and earnestness he continued: "Do you re


e undeveloped psychic power which, with study,

learly as that, but t

elieve it

know, Mr.

tried to help me, even if

n't know, M

come to the conclusion that Josef is right. You could make me do anything, Katrine. Will you try

ute, not knowing whethe

e said, at lengt

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