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Word Count: 2238    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ood clipping the roses, Dermott

trine?" he said, with

quired, "till I've fini


to shade the sun from her eyes, regardi

such a liar?" The word as she spoke

e more imagination!" he explained, with a laugh. "Why should I not change things a bit?" he continued. "Every Irishman's

Katrine suggested, a laug

nothing against him. Take anot


ever an I


he lane yesterday!' Who cares? Not one soul in a thousand! But instead, with a gesture: 'Did ye hear of the startling adventure of Mrs. O'Hooligan? She was coming home at midnight from a sick friend's' (it's well to throw in a few sympathetic touches if ye can). 'Suddenly an animal, a strange animal, came by, something like a mad bull' (of course

spoke, looking down at her w

arry me at a second's notice. I'm a great lover," he laughed somewhat uneasily, keeping his eyes averted, and adding, "when I don't care! Ye see, a woman doesn't mind a bit of exaggeration in a man's love-making," he w

tt. There's none can tell the truth more bravely o

all, is merely academic," he said, with a droll smile. "I have come to you in a perturbed state of mind. You have refused to marry me thousands of times, it is true; but I am noble, and forgive. To-morrow I am

come. There are visitors at Rav

ill-leave them for one e

evening following this talk. "The only person ye've ever known, probably, who did not fall under the charm of the ways and the eyes of you." There was flattery

dressing himself entirely to Frank. "Now, in a business matter I might, though I'm by no means sure of it, get the better of you." His eyes were bland and frank as he spoke. "But where you would

the other, mystified, as Franci

reaths with this unsolicited testimonial,

ubject, and was galloping over conversationa

d a talk with the President concerning him, and it was mentioned,


the Senate next year. I'll see to it myself. I know your district. God! How I know it! You can buy every vote in that part of the land of the

l, flattering him by asking opinions on weighty subjects, listening to the answers with gloomy attenti

y before, with Frank driving four-in-hand, he added a note of gayety to th

te! Wait a minute! I'm seized with rhyme." He stood silent, his eyes drawn together at the corners, his gaze concentrated, glass in hand,

el drives f

thing in his

us to a b

times and m



d powder hel

hat last!" he cri



d powder hel

el drives f

of chival

an old-time

d ladies fil

s in that o



en Mary sinn



l drives fo

nel!" he cried, d

hyme." And Katrine knew as Frank spoke that his distrust of Dermott had been laid aside for the

for a long time, as she had told Frank in the rose-garden, that Dermott was in Carolina on some busine

Dermott had brought his chair around to Fran

your estate. In looking up some old titles I discovered it. It's like this." He drew a note-book from his pocket, drawing as he talked. "Here's Loon Mountain. Here's the Silver Fork. Here's t

and was alert on the instant. Striking it quickly, insistently, she cam

the strings. The men turned, and Francis, with the land on the other side of the Silv

ye men and

ten to

of Bloomin

er did


e fragra

ired by a

her Bloomi


an interlud

y, being a

ing her

er parents

not like

d up her c

came trip

ent Bloomi


window, looking into the night. Unseen

ght," she whispered, with great intensity,

not been

cely hal

were joining the refrain, taken out

s fretted by the word she had given against a true friend; so, when she saw Dermot

mott," she cri

rgrowth toward her, as she stood l

g against you; and it makes me feel that I've not been quite loyal to you, you tha

earer her, and, putti

forgiven. You hold my heart in the holl

d him how clever he was-cleverer than you were yourself-that it must be something very great to make you admit a thing like that. And when you were not near I warned him against sel

h pity and admiration as he put

thought a friend might be cajoled wrongly, and warned him against it. I'm proud of ye for it!" he cried, with enthusiasm. "Proud of you!" h

for what?" s

land on the other side of

y fair, don't you? You wouldn

were to help you, I'd outwit t

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