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King of the Jews


Word Count: 4419    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

f woe standeth t

elf's touched wi

eople and

o hearts t

madness they cry, "T

e and death up

bas, the

king, and

se once 'fore t

im shouts echoed


emnly show

d's deliverer rage

with hate, no man

judge all

take ye and


ing that's cr

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borne, and

ecked with p

jeer and shak

e royal ro

hat a

the trace

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f the rude

ompanied the soldiers, who once more led Jesus to Pilate's house. Then said Caiaphas, "Now Pilate must be challenged more

h stammering tongue I will cry for the blood and death of this criminal, and then de

tion, "be buried in the ruins of the temple than to go back u

er goes back on this decision, let

t the cross of the f

means at our disposal in order to carry out our will before the feast." At this time

is servants, soon app

re before thee and earnestly d

d aloud, "We insist

ave heard your complaints, and I have myself examined him, and have n

e abide by our accusation; he

usly, "He is an offender again

e he is a Galilean to Herod. Have you bro

d would not judge the case beca

man that deserves death, but in order to meet your

id, "The law prescribes for such a criminal not the p

ed again, "To d

rankly what I think. Driven by ignoble passion ye persecute him because the people are more devoted to him than they are to you. I have heard enough of your hateful accusations. I will now hear the voice of the people. An innumerable numb

Pilate and said, "The result will show, O gov

eance, but zeal for the holy law of God

, and of his evil deeds. Between him and Jesus of Nazareth I will le

ce, "Release Barabbas and t

o his servants, he said, "The soldiers will lead him hence and scourge him according to the Roman law." Then turning to his courtiers, he said, "

sses, "now, true-hearted Israelites, your opportunity has arrived. Go hence into the streets of Jerusalem, summon your friends to come hither, unite them in masses, kindle in them the most glowing hatred against the enemy of Moses. The waverers seek to win by the strength

her, "We will go hence and soon return aga

s all meet in the str

the priests cried after them, "Hail

ngle moment. Let us go together to the cr

f Jerusalem will we lead the exasper

Pilate wishes to hear the voice

unanimous cry of the nation; release

an exceeding loud voice, "Release

tied his hands to a low pillar and scourged him. When they were weary with

d, no crown upon his head. That can be mended. I will at once bring the insignia of the Jewish sovereignty." And then going out he brought a scarlet mantle, a crown of

expected such an honor? Come, let us hang this purple robe about thee. But sit down, a king should not stand. Here is a

u." Then they laug

hers, help me." Then four of the soldiers seized in their hands two staves, and, crossing them

And taking the reed they placed it in his ha

e Jews!" When they were mocking him a servant entered from Pilate, sayi

wrong time. Thou hast disturbed us in the

as a spectacle. There will be rejoicing among the Jewish p

ts of the Sanhedrin, and from this to proceed to Pilate's house to demand the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus; from four sides the tumultuous mobs came pouring down to the place of assembly. Their hoarse crie

, "calls upon you. His holy la

ld fast by our priests and teachers. Away with him who would rise against them." Another multitude poured down from th

by Annas, whose followers shouted aloud, "Ye are

ill save you." While the clamorous multitudes from these three quarters were pouring down c

space it could be seen how successfully they had been organized. Each of the four divisions was led by a ruler of the people and had in its ranks a number of the traders of the temple, the witnesses and the priests, whose violent zeal gave movement a

e teacher, the Nazarene!" answe

gether, cried with a loud voice, "Your fathers' God wil

our true friends. Long live the great Sanhedrin! Long live our te

to Pilate," and Nathanael and Ezekiel ad

wered, "On to Pilate; t

eir leaders addressed them from

leaders. "He has contemned Moses and

ied again, "To death w

by the cross!" and the other sections too

"On the cross he shal

ntence is pronounced." The whole multitude was now

you, children of Israel! You are indeed still true descendants of your father Abraham! Oh, rejoice that

ring efforts of your fathers has

to the Nazarene!" and the priests and Pharisees cri

ponded, "We de

twithstanding, while the people responded to his appeals. It sounded from afar in this wise: Caiaphas:

e choice between this blasphemer and Barabbas

Let Barabbas go free, an

e fathers be praised who

e must consent, the whole

but proud and triumphant step, and said, "Oh, most glori

day brings back honor to the syna

use of Pilate, "let us demand the sentence with

tude tumultuously, "We dem

vants of Pilate started out of the house and looking down

nswered, "The Na

excite them to still further violence, said, "Show cour

clamorously; "Pilate-pronou

quiet!" but the crowd shouted at him louder than befo

nt, "Pilate will co

ore, "We demand the d

eople, said to the priests, "Now let Pilate, a

diers, with the crown of thorns upon his head and the scarlet robe about him. The crowd instead of

nd hands and the scarlet robe upon his bleeding sho

isees answered, "To

this pitiful sight awake an

wered, "Let him die!

im at your own risk-I will have nothing t

O governor, the voice of the people. It con

crowd again, "we

nd let Barabbas be brought out of prison. The jail

cried, "Let Barabbas live. Pronounce

ried, "To death w

l clamor you accompanied this man through the streets of Jerusalem. Is it possible that the same

rned that they have been deceived by an adventurer

ully opened, and they see that he cannot help himself-he

e no Messiah who allows himself to be

se Messiah, the decei

deal of a wise teacher, whom you have long honored as such, convicted of no single evil deed and already humiliated by the severest chastisement. The other, a vicious, savage man, convicted of robber

ople cried out together

ase unto you the king of

e cried, "Away with him, r

hast promised to release h

eep my promise without needing a reminder." Then said he t

nd the people cri

ate, "shall I cr

ied, "We have no

r I find no fault in him. He has been suffi

thou let him go free thou

king"; and the priests said, "Who proclai

l still to remain unpunished, still t

is the duty of the governor

jects of Caesar and delivered this rebel to thee. If thou payest no attention to our accusation and the desire of

er and revolt ensues, then we know who must bear this guilt

ain, "The matter must be

they hear at Rome that Caesar's viceroy has taken under his

execute him, or otherwise ther

hath he done? I cannot, I dare n

an so carefully when quite recently thou hast allowed thy soldiers to massacre hun

d, and the crowd shouted: "Thou canst not show favor to

ook him, and turning to his s

o away from this place until thou hast pronoun

e will not go from this place

e and crucify him. But see," said he as he washed his hands in the basin which had been brough

hich priests and people joined, speaking as with one voice, "We t

the people. Lead him outside the city gate and let him never

le cried: "Now hast

er to avoid a great evil. But in the blood-guiltiness I will have no sh

e cried, "It is good; let it fal

less this day and with thankful joy cry

," cried the crowd. "Lo

in gaol. Let the chief lictor give them over without delay to t

le cried, "He has deserv

must be written out and will be re

m forward: "Will you not move on, you wretches? Have you not long ago deserved your fate? Thrust them on, these outcasts of mankind." When t

thieves, "That is worthy company for

ds the earth shall today be free. You shall die upo

sentence of death upon a certain Jesus of Nazareth, who is accused of having stirred up the people to revolt, of having forbidden to pay tribute to Caesar, and of having proclaimed himself king of the Jews. The same

people, saying in tones of great bitterness, "Now take him hence and crucify

ultation. "The victory is ours! The

ay with him to Golgotha! Long live

that we may come home in

We will keep this Passover with j

r triumphal procession go thr

"are his disciples? They a

overthrown! Ha! now he has his reward! So be it done to everyone who despises the law! He deserves the death on the cross! O happy Passover! Now joy

from the book at this point. All that appears is

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