King of the Jews
rt thou bl
greed of go
hou sell th
dders not thy soul
passed int
oth thy d
you that sh
he Lord thus
ed his own s
rules his
gold that's
but one m
not this fo
deaf and bli
cil Judas h
repeats in
once with
y to Jerusalem, Baruch, the servant of Mark, came out into the stre
Passover; from the great crowd of pilgrims we can expect nothing else. My master must expect many guests as
, "there is some
re must be something exceptional at this Passover, seeing the way
er said, "This is he who carries the pitcher
hn, "Let us
master's house, and, seeing the disciples, said, "W
John, "to speak
, "you desire to take
ster desired us to bring t
o take you into his house. There, see," he said as Mark came out
s," said Mark, "ho
t hand. Where is the hall where I can eat the Passover with my disciples, for
ave I deserved that he should choose my house before all others that are in Jerusalem in which to celebrate the Passover? Oh, fortuna
low thee." And they went into the house and
several cups, and a plate on which lay a loaf of bread. Jesus, standing in the midst, said unto them, "With longing have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God." Jesus then took the cup, and lifting it with both hands, looked up to heaven and said, "I thank thee for this fruit of
t he passed th
les together, "Alas, Lord, is
th you in the kingdom of God my Father. As it is written, '
when this kingdom shall appear, how
James the elder, "wil
ach one of us have lordsh
id Bartholomew; "then no dis
me, that you may eat and drink with me in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. But, remember, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and they that exercise authority over them are called benefactors, b
el, with which he girded himself round the middle. Then came Baruch in, carrying a ewer of water and a ba
es one to another, "W
eter, said, "Peter,
in amazement, said, "Lord
thou knowest not now, but
ord, thou shalt never to
ash thee not thou shalt
so, then not my feet only, b
e sandals off their feet, whispering to themselves in wonder as to what this meant. Jesus washed the feet of Judas as those of the others. Last of all he washed the feet of John also. Then he washed his hands, Baruch pouring the
The old covenant which my Father made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has reached its end and I say unto you, a new covenant begins, which I solemnly consecrate today with my blood, as the Father has commanded me, and this covenant will last until all be fulfilled." Jesus then took the bread, lifted it up before him, and replacing it on the table, looked up to heaven and blessed it. Then, lifting it up again, he broke it in two, saying, "Take, eat, this is my body which was broken for you." Then passing around the table, he placed a morsel of bread with his own hand in the mouth of each of his disciples. All took it reverently, but Judas bit at it
wly love a
viour knee
et of his
ervice t
love reme
e has lov
ers rend
ord has d
ters, never will I forget thy love! Thou knowest that I love the
tion of Judas, who sat apart moody and sullen, exclaimed together, "O, Mas
new covenant shall ever be celebrated
s often as we shall keep
est teacher, O divine one!
ve I also loved you, continue ye in my love. But, alas, must I say it! the hand of him who betrays me is wit
les exclaimed, "What!
verily, I say unto you, on
Andrew, "one
dish with me shall betray me. So the Scriptures shall be fulfilled
all hearts, thou knowest that it is not I"-and the two James cried, "Name him publicly, the traitor!" Then while these words were on their lips, Judas
hee than that such a deed should be done;" and Barthol
tinued, "The son of man goeth indeed as it is written of him, but woe unto that man b
him to ask Jesus who it was. Then John whi
heard by John alone, "He it is to whom I
ad not heard this kept o
nto a cup, and placed it in the mouth of Ju
iples seeing his departure wondered among themselves
nt him to buy something," while Thaddeus a
fy him in himself and shall straightway glorify him. Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye
nto him, "Lord, w
thou canst not follow me now,
an I not follow thee now? I will
at he may sift thee as wheat, but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not; and when thou art converted, strength thy brethren! This nigh
ffended, yet will not I. Lord, I am read
o thee, Peter, today, even this night, before t
uld never deny thee," and the other ten disciples said altogether with a loud voice,
sent you out without purse or scr
th one voice,
hath not a sword, let him sell his coat and buy one, for now begins a time of trial; and I say unto you th
e scabbard which hung at his side under his clo
the disciples said together with a loud voice, "Praise the Lord, all ye people! Praise him, all
n God, believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you; and I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also. I leave you not as orphans. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Keep my commandment. This is my commandment, that ye love one a
d with radiant countenance began, "Assembled fathers, I have a joyful piece of news to impart to you. The supposed prophet from Galilee will soon, we hope, be in our hands. Dathan, the zealous Israelite, h
with eager voices the
eered, "I wi
he room Caiaphas asked their counsel as to the pri
oses gives direction for such a case; a sl
"Yea, yea, it is just the price of a s
council, I here fulfil the task entrusted to me, and present to the fathers a man who is determined for a suitable reward to deliver
as, "Knowest thou the man
long time in his company and know
aphas, "What
e is Judas, and I a
al of the priests, "we
rt thou steadfastly re
firmly, "I gi
t thou not repent of it? What i
m and me has been cooling down for some ti
to this?" as
eed I am resolved to remain loyal to lawful authority, that is a
ing great things, said, "Thirty pieces of silv
d Dathan, "thirty pieces
, "And mark thee well, Judas, this is not all! If thou execute
me a rich and famous
d," and added to himself, "Now t
ayed in blue velvet and gold, "Bring the thirty pieces of silver ou
added, putting the que
went up of "Ye
, he said, "And thou, abject wretch, dost thou not blush to sell thy Lord and master, thou God-forgetting traitor whom the earth shall swallow up? For thirty pieces of silver wouldst
Dathan, Caiaphas and the rest of the Sanhedrin displayed unmistakabl
zealot; let him go and be a follower of the false prophet. Thou dost
he, "take the thirty pieces of silver and play the man," counting th
d them piece by piece with feverish haste to his bag, which he tied up when filled and replaced in his gir
"the work must be accom
elf. This very night he shall be in your hands. Give me an armed band
had not broken silence: "Let us
l the priests, "let
advisable to send some members
rang to their feet c
int Nathan, Josaphat, Solomon and Ptolomaus." Each
"But, Judas, how will the band be able t
me with torches and lanterns
cried the priests
ay to spy out everything. Then I wil
Dathan, "and will not leave your
le," said Judas, as he departed, taking with h
ly, venerable fathers, but now we are called to look the great question frankly in
darkest of dungeons and keep him well watched and laden
t break his fetters with his abhorred magic arts?" The priests were silent. Caiaphas replied in tones of the deepest conviction: "I see that ye neither know nor understand. Then listen to the high priest. It is better that one man should die and the w
n excited tones: "God has spoken through our high priest! Only by the de
s and with uplifted hands and eager voices exclaimed: "Yes, he must die; in his death is our salvation!" When they sat down, Annas, the aged high priest arose, a
hat! Wilt thou accuse the council of injustice?" Zadok exclaimed: "Dost thou know the holy law? Compare--" Nicodemus replied: "I know the law; therefore also I know that the judge may not pass sentence before witnesses are heard." "What need we any further witnesses?" cried Josue. "We ourselves have often enough been witnesses to his speec
ion! Thou wilt cleave to Moses and yet defendest thou that which the law
our assembly, if thou persist in this way
aid: "I must also agree with Nicodemus. No one has imputed any deed to
bath; how he has misled the people by his seditious speeches? Hath he not also as a deceiver worked his pret
saying: "Envy and malice have misrepresented his words and imputed evil motives
. Already for a long time hast thou been a secret follower of t
then, we have in our very midst traitors to our hol
your prophet, to see him once more, before the hour strik
iests. "Yes! die he mus
solution; I will neither have part no
it this place where the innocent are condemned t
icodemus and Joseph of Arimathea
mus and Joseph of Arimathea, said to the assembly: "It will certainly be necessary that we should sit formally in judgment upon this man, to
e law requires," and Samuel answered: "These sh
, but in order not to offend the weak it would
d these forms not suffice the strength of
lty matters little, since once for all the p
be safest if we could so contrive that the sentence of death should be pr
us to have our sentence carried out by our trusty friends in the commotion
n our hands, and in the silence of a dungeon it will not be difficu
. Now let us break up. But hold yourselves ready at any hour of the night to b
l cried tumultuously: "Let him die! Le