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King of the Jews


Word Count: 3676    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eeds m

nds before the

of sinners

traged, bound a

, your faces v

m is touched by

ragged to Ca

hadowed, see, ful

, how in

ge, blows a


f men who no

ompassion w

n in deep


own, surrounded by priests, exulted over the news

realization of our wishes. I thank you, noble members

ried, "The greatest share of pra

necessary witnesses have already been brought along. I shall now without losing a moment, at once begin the trial of the prisoner

e to get everything over before ou

necessity. Trust me, my friends. I have t

eserves our fullest confidence," and then cried they

the chamber of Caiaphas, the high priest, Balbus and M

iest, here is the pr

phas, "so that I may look him

, "and show respect here to

dience, that thou hast despised the holy traditions of the fathers, that thou hast transgressed the divine command for the keeping of the Sabbath day, and that thou hast even been guilty of many blasphemous speeches and acts. Here," Caiaphas continues, pointing to five Jews who had entered th

denouncing the members of the council and the scribes as hypocrites, ravening wolves in sheeps' clothing, blind leaders of the bli

this, and can still further declare that he ha

ss, "at any rate he has dropped wo

used for a reply, but Jesus opened not his mouth. Then said Caiaphas, "Art

defiance of the law, has eaten with unwashed hands; how he has become accustomed to hold f

have heard many credible people say that he has even spoken wit

law, in that he healed sick and infirm people without fear on that day. He has seduced others to break the Sabbath; he

t this evidence?" And after a pause, seeing that Jesus still spoke no

hast, for I was present, taken upon thyself to forgive sins, w

hy Father, and hast dared to declare that thou art one with

ted thyself above our father Abraham. Tho

hou hast said, 'I can destroy the temple of

thee say, 'I will destroy this temple which is made with hands, and in three days I

med, "Thou thinkest that by silence thou canst save thyself. Thou darest not to admit before the fathers and judges of the people what thou hast taught before the people. Or dost thou dare?" Then rising to his utmost height, and stretching his

, and so I am. Nevertheless, I say unto you, hereafter ye shall see the Son of M

rending his robe, exclaimed with a loud voice, "He has blasphemed God! What need have

e council cried together,

answer; what does the holy law say of him who is guilty of disobedience to the authorities appointed by God?" Then stood up Josue, and unrolling the book of the law read therefrom: "The man that will

does the law decree concerning

is holy unto you. Every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death; fo

"How does the law p

soever curseth his God shall bear his sin. And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord he shall surely be put t

w, and shall be carried out as speedily as possible. Meanwhile I will have the condemned placed under saf

id Selpha, roughly, "we w

albus, as he placed his hand on the shoulder

are approaching the goal. Now, howe

d together, "We will not rest

Priest Annas and the rest. Then shall the sentence be confirmed by the whole assembled council, and the

rying as they went, "God del

at word pursues me everywhere." Then, as if he remembered all that had happened, Judas cried, "No, it cannot come to that; they will not carry things so far! That would be too terrible if my Master-no!-and I-guilty of it? No! Here in the house of Caiaphas, I will inquire h

Caiaphas. In the hall were the servant maids, Sarah and Hagar, who seeing the soldiers standing outside, went to the d

he soldiers. Then calling out, "Ho, comrades, come

ad come in long ago; how stupid we are, always standing outsi

ier, "go and bring us fire,

ly," sai

rah. They went out together to

ome to an end?" asked

elchi, "until all the

d will also use all his eloquence

o much." Then returned the serving maids with a brazier in which there was a

," said Hagar, "wo

iers together, "Tha

care that the fire does not go out." Several of the soldiers stooped over the

who saw John standing in the entrance of the door, said, "John, comest thou also hither in the middle of the night? Come in h

" cried the b

, I have a companion with m

"Let him come in; why doe

Peter was standing,

s he?" s

, but does not trust himsel

r and said, "Come in, good

and warm thyself!" Peter without saying a word timidly

nd Arphaxad said, after a pause, "We sti

gether, "How much lon

e will come out from the trial

d, "whether his disciple

hter cried aloud, "That would be a fine pie

Galileans will fly and never let themselves be seen again in Jerusalem. But," said Panther, "one at

aughing, "that should be, as

, "but that rule would here find no applic

ediately a pause took place, Hagar said to Peter, "I have been observing thee for some time. Now, if I do

arming his hands and stammered out, "I? No, I am not. W

ed to slip through the band and escape unobserved. Passing the fire, he came close to the other waiting maid, Sa

used, they all clustered around Peter, as

art one of them,

oked confusedly from side to side and declared,

menace of a violent death left him no leisure to attend to anything but his own safety, for

not what ye have to do with me.

"Yes, yes, thou art one of them. Thou art

ubled voice, "God be my witness that I do not know the

he face and said, "Did I not see thee in the garden w

alled off from him by a cry from the soldiers round the fire. "Make ready, they are br

ngs gone?" eagerly

ned to death,

mocking, crie

him with a gaze full of sorrow. Peter smote hi

ad, "he will help u

, "we must guard him till mornin

ill repent of it-this contemptible cowardice. My dearest Lord, hast thou still grace for me-grace for a faithless, one-oh! send it me! This once more hear the voice of my repentant heart. Alas! the sin is committed. I cannot undo it, but ever, ever, will I weep for it and repent of it-and now nevermore will I leave thee! Oh, thou most loving one! Thou wilt surely not cast me off

pe of forgiveness, even for his

ght him in the crowd. Surely nothing evil can have befallen him. Perhaps I still may meet him upon the road. I will now go to Bethany. Dearest mother, if I bring thee the

eyes, and surrounded him mockingly, saying, "Is not this throne too mean for thee, great king? Hail to thee, thou new-born sovereign! But sit more firmly," said one, seizing Jesus from behind and press

uck him, saying, "Was it I?

ers. "Art thou asleep?" Then turning to his comrades he exclaimed, "He is deaf and dumb; a fine prophet indeed

done now? We have no longer any king. Thou art to be pitied, such a great magi

yes bandaged and his hands tied, and lifted him again upon his

entered saying, "How goes it now with the king?" and the band sh

priest and Pilate will soon make him s

ades," sa

hey led him off, saying, "Stand up; thou hast been king long enough

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