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Left on Labrador

Chapter 7 ToC No.7

Word Count: 3294    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

enade.-Candy at a Discount.-"Pillitay, pillitay!"-Old Trull and

nives, and, holding them up, pointed off to the mainland and said, "Henne-lay." Whereupon they fell to heh-hehing afresh with cries of "Igloo, igloo!" Kit pointed to our b

take the schooner up t

re, inquiringly. No, that was not it; though they

said Kit; "different from the kayak. They

ome of their children

e word for child

e of u

e," suggeste

g it distinctly, and pointing off

olding our hands knee-high and hip-high; but the requisite gleam of intelligence could not be inspired. So, with another

ide and a considerable quantity of the meat. Bits were distributed among the crowd, and ea

spoke the embarkation of the ladies; and, with our glasses, w

" said Kit. "Looks

hed the captain. "Should hate to h

id Raed. "He's very susceptible to North

rms of these Husky belles! Remember how the hopes of your family are centred! What would yo

his isn't quite fair, nor honorable,-m

. Had your heads been as true as your hearts, the result might have been different. But here come the ladies. We must do our

adventure, while ours

" laughed Wade. "Wel

as now withi

exclaimed Kit. "Roll the

; it may scare

n't. Where

d brassy out

h rose in the oomiak. It was quickly hushed up, though, with no fainting

a time-when they come under the side!" shoute

k, c

outh and

k, c

ly celebrated. And here they are under the

w are we to get 'em aboard? Can

exclaimed Kit; "might entangle their p

ve it: the old companion-stairs,-the ones we had

ied Raed; "the very

he captain, "bear a hand at those old s

ain stood ready with a stout line, which he whipped around the top r

Like the kayaks, it was covered with seal-skin; or perhaps it might have been the hide of the walrus. The framework was composed of both bone and wood tied

elve, and an odd one," counted

discreetly hesitated, glancing alternately up at us, then round to their swarthy countrymen in the kayaks. The most of them were seemingly young. There was but one really ugly face; while four or five were evidently under fifteen. The women were not quite so swarthy and dark as the men, and wore their hair

lles away from Raed and Wade. Those two back in the stern next to old ghoul-face-how do those strike yo

were, as well as we could ju

him, though. Crowd along sharp when those two come up. Elbow Wade out of

he steps, taking the captain's hand, and jumpi

sh, we got in ahead of the unsuspecting Wade, who imme

u for that!"

t a little perplexed how to make their acquaintance; for they were

t long smil

ntly for some seconds. It seemed

it advised: "th

kin, I think, and fitted-well, I've seen kid gloves worn that didn't fit a whit better. How to commence a conversation was not so easy; since we knew not more than a dozen words of their language, and could not frame these into sentences. So we began by making them each a present of a jack-knife. These were accepted with a great deal of broad smiling. Kit then showed them how to open the knives. At that one of the girls reached dow

ed, taking it.


boot, and pretty quick drew out a bone image represent

?" I

," was t

ghing at her companion, who also laughed a little confusedly, and with a look, which, in a less dusky maiden, might hav

"How can we find out? Would they understand

y i

, on a repetition of the question, replied, "We-we;" at which her companion looked suddenly around. Then they talked with each

k," she

ad a white-gloved damsel on his arm, pr

er name?"

replied over

d never tell us; perhaps in

ng us!" exclaimed Kit. "B

Ikewna, and then to We-we a

aid; and we

long-legged boots with very broad tops coming above the knee, silver-furred seal-skin breeches, and a jacket of white hare-skin (the polar hare) edged with the down of the eider-duck. These jackets had at least one

ing, and unintelligible lingo, that resounded all about. We saw Raed paying the most p

anded Kit as we

d Raed, trying t

decidedly the prettiest of the lot; Caubvick came next; and, as we promenaded past Wade, we kept boasting of their s

ied Wade at length. "We ough

e the goodness to call Palmleaf, and

tain ca

see the rump


he forecastle, and rolling his eyes about. If he had been the Devil himself, they couldn't have acted more scared. I had to send him be

sitors two sticks apiece. This was plainly a new sort of treat. They stood, each holding the candy in their hands, as if uncertain to what use it was to be put. Raed then set them an example by biting off a chunk. At that they each took a bite. We expected they would be delighted. It was therefore with no little chagrin that we beheld our guests making up the worst possible fac

boiled beef!" exc

at the captain's suggestion, raw fat pork was given the men. This latter, however, was much too salt for them: so that, on the whole, o

neral cry of "Pillitay" ("Give me something") arose. We gave them another stick of wood all round; at which their cries were redoubled. In short, they treated us very much as some earnest Christians do the Lord,-asked for everything they could think of. Old Trull was especially pestered by one woman, who stuck to him with a continuous

ut of all patience. "Ye'd beg

ew. Eying her a moment, he bit it off, and put the rest in her hand with a grim smile. The woman, following his example, forthwith bit of

they fared the better for it. Wade led off by giving Ikewna a broad, highly-colored worsted scarf, which he wrapped in folds about her fox-jacket, covering it entirely, and giving her a very distingué look. Not to be behind, Kit and I gave to We-we a

m, "The Curlew" was again hove to, while the oomiak was brought under the stairs. We bade a hasty farewell to the Husky belles, and handed them into their barge. On the whole, we were not much sorry to be rid of them; for though they were human beings, and some of the young girls not without their attractions, yet it was humanit

fee on a shovel all the rest of the evening; and, for more than a month after, we cou

g of the pole, must every year grow more and more severe, they can but sink lower and lower as the struggle for existence grows sharper. There is no hope for them. Their absurd love of home preclud

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