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Word Count: 2347    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

at it was the sight of her wondrous beauty set up such a disorder in h

pressed by Fanfulla and the friar-and deeply resented by the Count-that in leaping to his feet in over-violent haste his wound re-op

e oath he had sworn, answered her brazenly that he did not know

d her glorious eyes grew

t he is gone with Fra Domenico to the Convent of Acqu

d, approaching the fallen fig

a, is more th

question, bending over the Count as she spoke. "Come, Peppino," s

rrand. When he returned, the lady was kneeling with the unconscious man's head in her lap. Into the hatful of water that Pepp

gine Santa!" she cried, beholding now the ugly wound that gaped in his shoulder, and turning pa

d their glances met and held each other. And so, eyes that were brown and tender looked down into

as yet to his position. Then, becoming conscious of her minist

eloquent enough-as her blushes made, for she was fresh from a con

fer?" she a

corn. "Suffer? My head so pillowed and a saint from Heaven ministering to my ill

tongue!" gibed the fo

lla? Is he not here? Why, now I bethink me; he went to Acquaspart

aid she, thinking that

ered solemnly. And then, with his eyes

"is Valentina della Rovere, and I

ows sh

am the memories of some old romancer's tale, in whi

her eyes, for even into the seclusion of her convent-lif

nswered he, "and ever your poor champ

usion. She found no presumption in his speech, nor aught that a brave knight might not say to the lady who had succoured him in his distress. Peppe,

sir knight?" she a

hot beyond her to the fool, they caught

her question him-"But tell me, Madonna," he inquired, "how comes a lady of your stati

urt, from the Convent of Santa Sofia, and for my escort I have Messer Romeo Gonzaga and twenty spears. So th

e, ended at leng

er niece of his Highne

sco," she answered rea

rows grew of

which the fool pricked up his ears, whilst she looked at the Count wi

id?" sh

sigh, and in that moment a man's v


ell worthy of the company of Valentina. His doublet was of grey velvet, set off with scales of beaten gold, and revealing a gold-embroidered vest beneath; his bonnet matched his doublet, and was decked

ely, "Italy's latest translation

ere with Francesco's head still pillowed in her lap,

ying towards them. "What occupation ha

swered him, in accents

does he here and thus, with you? Gesù! What would his Highness say? How

zaga," she answered, with so

ore likely, a prowling masnadiero. What

reclining entirely upon his elbow, Francesco motio

etty page stand back a little. I am sti

onzaga detected the mocking, contemptu

clapping his hands together, he raised h

cried the lady, ris

n in bonds to Urbi

hands in grasping me," replied t

rther as he spoke. "Beltrame!" he called again. "Are you never coming?" A voice answered him

hat led them, his eyes wanderin

t before the fellow could move a foot to c

hat Francesco gaped in pure astonishment. "In my uncle's name, I bid you leave this gentleman where he lies. He is a w

looked from Valentina

st of his Highness, whose territory is infested by these vagabonding robbers. It is a fact that may not have reached you in your convent retreat, no m

her eyes there came a look of anger that heightened her l

in this business," he said, in tones of mock lament, "permit

ting at him with his riding-swi

t Messer Gonzaga's keen discrimination in judging 'twixt a rogue and an honest man, I do promise you, as surely as though I were Fate

fuge to serve her wishes, whilst Francesco, who had now risen to his feet, looked on with an amused smile as though the matter

the Count called to him, "This prett

gry horror. "Upon what grounds, pray?" h

Gonzaga grew amazingly humble for one that

ment was at fault in esteeming hi

you judge? Go cut your milk-teeth, boy, and meddle not w

llowers grinned, all of which added not a little to Gonzaga's choler. But

red, with elaborate dignity. "But should we meet agai

with a shrug Fanfulla turned to give his attention

ould get his escort to horse, and have her litter in readiness, so that they might

ngers and an angry "Follow me!" to Beltrame and the

ntly, when the task was accomplished, they departed, leaving Fanfulla amid the Count alone. But ere s

s eyes, for all that day she rode pensive, a fond, wistful smile at the corners of her lips. And although to Gonzaga she manifested no resentment, yet di

ue-he with so noble a mien and so beautiful a countenance?" And without heeding the sullenness of his answers, sh

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