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Word Count: 3666    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

emselves to their hurried tasks; whilst messengers raced to Venice for gold leaf and ultramarine for the wedding-chests whilst the nuptial bed was being brought from Rome and the chariot from Ferra

in the Palace of Urbino, and matured his plans. And so well pleased was he with his s

iled had he deemed the enterprise upon which he was engaging to be of that warlike character which he had represented to Valentina. He did not want for cunning, nor for judgment of the working of human minds, and he very reasonably opined that once the Lad

might be ended. That it should come to arms, and that Guidobaldo should move to besiege Roccaleone, he did not for a moment believe-for what manner of ridicule would he not draw upon himself from the neighbouring States? At the worst, even if a siege there was, it would never be c

amed great dreams that evening; he had wondrous visions of a future princely power that should come to be his own by vi

e complete, there were all these things to be obtained. The victuals he had already provided for, whilst of arms he had no need to think; Roccaleone should be well stocked with them. But the finding of the men gave him some concern. He had decided to enrol a score, which was surely the smallest numbe

nded, after night had fallen, to a tavern in a poor street behind the Duomo,

captain, who once had been a meaner sort of condottiero

n his heels and fanned so diligently that a cloud of ashes rose ceiling high and spread itself, together with the noisome smoke, throughout the squalid chamber. A brass lamp swung from the ceiling, and shone freely through that smoke, as shines the moon through an evening mist. So foully stank the place that at first Gonzaga was moved to get him thence. Only the

to a table by the wall, and seated himself upon the coarse deal

dust and a withered sprig of rosemary. Immediately beneath this-in the company of a couple of tatterdemalions worthy of him-sat the giant w

e della Madonna! Will you brin

tection against what seemed a very devil incarnate, but that t

eaping to his feet, and leaving the goat to burn whi

whilst beside him on the table stood a rusty steel-cap. But these warlike tools served only to give him the appearance of a roving masnadiero or a cut-throat for hire. Presently abandoning the comtemplation of Gonzaga he turned to his companions, and across to the listener floated a coarse and boasting tale of a plunderous warfare in Sicily ten years agone. Gonzaga became excited. It seemed indeed

f that thirsty giant rose and took their leave of him.

courage the gallant rose at last and moved across the room. All unversed in tavern ways was the magnificent Gonzaga, and he who

mmoning his w

timidity, "will you do me the h

rbs and boldly encountered Gonzaga's uneasy glance. His lips fell apart with an anticipatory smack, his back stiffened, and his head was rais

stock of this pretty fellow who offered flagons of wine to down-at-heel adventurers like himself. He had all but asked what was to be required of him in exchange for this, when suddenly he bethought him-with the knavish philosophy adversity had taught him-that were he told for wh

features into the rud

ntle and most illustrious lord, I would sh

" quoth Gonzaga, who had scarce known

norino, until your purse be empty or the world run dry

d bade him bring a flagon of his best. While Luciano was about the

d Gonzaga presently, seating hi

s have lost their ed

contradiction from his inferiors, and wished n

night is warm. Piaghe di Cristo! I am an ill man to contradict, my pretty gallant, and

r with the wine, it is possible he might have done an unconscionable ras

Gonzaga made no attempt to pry. As the fellow set down his cup, and with his sleeve removed the moisture

ever of Rom

ough of Romeo Gonzag


d his own to be as good. "Let me name myself to you. I am Ercole Fortema

zaga, in accents of surprise,

turned on him i

is both noble and formidable, and you shall find me as

?" protest

But you thought so, and I may take leave to show you h

pride and in his vanity, Ercole hastene

pany. I have fought with the French against the Spaniards, and with the Spaniards against the French, and I have served the Borgia, who is plotting against both. I have trailed a pike in the emperor's following, and I have held the rank of captain, too, in th

had credulously absorbed that cata

was a part of him. "A great record, if you will, to commend me to hir

el over," said Gonzaga soothingly

as lashing himself. "But patience!" he broke off, subsiding on a sudden. "I take it, it was not out of regard for my fine eyes, nor drawn by the elegance of my apparel"-and he r

ve gues

no more than a growling whisper. "Heed me, Messer Gonzaga. If the service you require be the slitting of a gullet or some kindred foul business, which my

rful protest were Gonz

still shining in the foul heap of this man's rascally existence. A knave whose knavery knew no limits would hardly have suited his ends. "I do

e," quoth Ercole

aking prove unsuited to you, or beyond you, yo

rpse was ever half so

return for good quarters-perchance for some weeks-and payment at four times the ordinary mercen

cheeks until Gonzaga feare

when he had found his voic

. "It is outlaw matter of a k

tell me


e dregs on to the floor. Then, setting down the empty ve

t last, "can you help m

nature of this service you require

aid-I need b

rave, and thoughtfully

are already under a ban, and to whom it will matter little to have another item added to their indebt


or a dozen within a couple of hours. But a score--" Again he paused, and again he fell to thinking. At last, more briskly: "Let us hear wha

n he suddenly stiffened, and put

his company myself," he lo

d assemble, being led by this mincing carpet-knight. Then recollecting himself: "If that be so," said h

o about such a business as that? It was beyon

which I may not give them, but in which I am to lead them myself, sharing such risk as there may be, I do not doubt but that by this time to-morrow I can have a score of them enrolled-su

good faith and the promise of pay, thereafter, at the rate of twenty gold florins a month for as long as he should need his services and Ercole, who in all his f

which gave forth a jangle mighty pleasant to the ears o

ve a regiment of out-at-elbow tatterdemalions at my heels." And his eye swept in an

Ercole, with a show of such respect as h

othing more. The place we are bound for is well sto

rely he had never sold himself into a more likely or promising service, and that night he dreamt in his sleep that he was become a gentleman's steward, and that at his heels marched an endless company of

ing dice or even filching a purse upon occasion when hard driven by necessity-for all that he was gently born and had held honourable employment; a drunkard by long habit, and a swaggering brawler upon the merest provo

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