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Chapter 5 GIAN MARIA

Word Count: 3200    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e main entrance to the city of Babbiano. The Captain of the Gate saluted him respectfully as he rode by, and permitted himself to marvel at the pallor of his Excellency's face. And yet, th

presently he came nearer and looked with more intentness, a shudder of recognition ran through him, and a great horror filled his soul and paled his cheek. The first of those

was sped, and that there, on the walls of Babbiano, lay rotting th

despite of such vague forebodings as beset him. How much, he wondered, might Gian Maria know of his own share in that mountain m

he had entertained. Gian Maria received him with even more than wonted welcome, fo

library. It was a place beloved by Gian Maria for the material comforts that it offered him, and so he turned it to a score of vulg

flagons and with vessels and dishes of gold and enamel, Francesco found his cousin, and the air that had been he

al and cruel. He was dressed in a suit of lilac velvet, trimmed with lynx fur, and slashed, Spanish fashion, in the sleeves, to show the shirt of fine Rheims linen

ourteously declined, with the assurance that he had dined already, the Duke insisted that, at least, he should drink a Cup of Malvasia. When out of a vessel of beaten gold

stories of a conspiracy in your Duchy, and on the walls at the Gate of

anquet for the crows. There, Francesco!" He shuddered, and cr

ffence alone," persisted France

red to ripen. But," he continued, an olive poised 'twixt thumb and forefinger, "it seems they were not to be captured as easily as he thought. He told me the traitors numbered six, and that they were to meet a seventh there. The men who returned from the venture tell me too, and without shame, that the

o. "Has he not told you since who

aused to masti

No, no!" he checked himself hastily. "He's dead, and the secret of this treason, as well as the names of the traitors, have perished with him. Yet I

to dissemble such signs of relief as might s

left you some infor

that he would let me learn was that there was a conspiracy afoot to supplant me, and that he was going to capture the conspirators, together with the man whom they were inviting to take my place. Ponder it, Francesco! Such are the mur

two of these conspirators

, his mouth too

ir trial, wha

ngratitude, that I had not even the wit to have the names of their associates tortured out of them. Within a half-hour of the

with mingled wonder and anger. "You sent men of such families as these to the headsman, without

t his impetuous cousin. Then, in sullen a

ing with his own hands, and by his own rash actions, a throne that is already tottering. Can you not think that this might mean a revol

but there was still more fear-so muc

. "I have given the command of my guards to Martino Armstadt, and he has engaged for me a com

o, with a smile of scorn. "To hedge your throne

grace," was th

at the hypocrisy. "Win the hearts of

peak of, who shall blame me? I tell you, Francesco, I wish I might have those others who escaped, that I might do as much by them. By the living God, I do! And as for the man who was to have supplanted me--" He paused, a deadly smile on his sensual mouth completing the sentence more effec

returned Francesco,

quick to fathom matters of this kind. Think y

o shook

need to resort to such poor means. He will

gasped the Duke. "You talk of i

. Listen, Gian Maria! I have not ridden from Aquila for just the pleasure of passing the tim

and spread his palms before him. "Pish! See into what errors even so clear a mind as mine may fall. Do you know, Francesco, that marking th

Babbiano," was the equivocal reply. "It was on the matter

a's white face

rom the Borgia, of the utter lack of preparation, and of Gian Maria's contempt of the counsels given him. He alluded to the discontent rife among his subjects at this state of

to a man: this is wrong, and that is wrong. B

say but the word, I

o right this very crooked business, Gian Maria's face reflected an incredulous anger and some little sc

men. I have some skill as a condottiero-leastways, so more than one foreign prince has been forced to acknowledge. I will lead your army when I have raised it, and I will enter into alliances for you with our neighbouring States, who, seeing us armed, will d

ke, and into his shallow face had crept an evil, suspicious look. As t

"And since when has Babbiano been a republic-or is it your aim

an Francesco, but his cousin inte

wisely. I had a dream two nights ago-- But let that be! When it so happens that in any State there is a man whom the people prefer to him who rules them, and when it so happens that this man is of as good blood and high birth as are you, he becomes a danger to him that sits the throne. I need scarce remind you," he added, with a horrid grin, "of how the Borgias deal with such individuals, nor need I add that a Sforza may s

osed, that the Duchy of Babbiano was his to take whenever he pleased. He might have told him t

ou, man, that I prefer my liberty to an imperial throne. But I waste breath with you. Yet, some day, when your crown shall have passed from you and your power have been engulfed

hrugged his

, with another of his infernal chuckles, "you see how little I need dread this terrible son of Pope Alexander. Allied with Urbino and the other States that are its friends, I can defy the might of Caes

as quick to observe it as was his mind to misinterpret its meaning. He registered a vo

t I had not troubled you with other proposals for the safety of your State. But, may I ask you, Gian

hrugged hi

ther joined them with her prayers-I should say, her commands-and pointed out again my peril to me, I gave way. After all a man must we

so encompassing a thing as that joy of his should have been. Yet, when later he left his cousin's presence, the only feeling that he carried with him was a deep and bitter re

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