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Narrative of New Netherland

Chapter 7 Franklin Jameson, ed., Narratives of New No.7

Word Count: 1639    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

4 (Original Narrativ

Charles Scribn


d they also had a point of view which was to a large extent independent of the Director General and other civil officials. Hence the series of their reports to the Classis of Amsterdam is worthy of

nds. Since he was able to preach not only in Dutch but also in English and even in French, it was natural that the Classis should send him out to New Netherland in response to the urgent requests made for assistance to Megapolensis, especially in dealing with the non-Dutch population at New Amsterdam. He began his pastoral service there in 1653, and continued throughout the remainder of the period represented

the Reformed Dutch Church in America. To this material large Additions were made by a further search carried out in 1897-1898, by the Reverend Dr. Edward T. Corwin, acting as agent of that church, who is responsible for the translations which follow. An account of all this ecclesiastical material, under the title "The Amsterdam Correspondence," was printed by


is to the Classis of Ams

, Fratres in Christo,

letter of your Reverences, date

e Joannes Pelhemius(4) from Brazil, by way of the Caribbean Islands, to this place. He has for the present gone to Long Island, to a village called Midwout, which is somewhat the Meditullium(5) of the other villages, to wit, Breuckelen, Amersfoor

Masters, Brethren


Records, State of

West Indi

es Theodorus Polhem

early life a minist

secutions in 1635, h

West India Company,

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rement. In 1654 he

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and Amersfoort, fro

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Midwout is now Fla


with his services.(1) Thereupon when he asked for an increase of salary last year, he received the answer, that if the service did not suit him, he might ask for his discharge. Only lately I have b

or Vestens, schoolma

ng man," was se

n, and "comforter o

nsferred to the Ea

Amsterdam by Har

iter qu

ngle stiver. Some more have come from Holland this spring. They report that many more of the same lot would follow, and then they would build here a synagogue. This causes among the congregation here a great deal of complaint and murmuring. These people have no other God than the Mammon of unrighteousness, and no other aim than to get possession of Christian property, and to overcome all other merchants by drawing all trade towards themselves. Therefore we request your Reverences to obtain from the Mes

razil, who retired

ortugese, in Januar

in New Amsterdam b

pany in 1655 repre

s Council to expe

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milies to the protection of God, who will bless u



Netherland the 18

ry Learned Deputies ad res Ecclesiastic

. Drisius to the Classis of

ed Gentlemen, Fathers and

on and care which you show for the welfare of this growing congregation. We also learned thereby of the trouble you have taken with the Messrs. Directors, to prevent the e

il. To this we have as yet received no reply, and are therefore in doubt, whethe

r expected and coming pastor. Although they began to urge this rather saucily, we, nevertheless, animated and encourage by your letters, hoped for the best, yet feared the worst, which has indeed come to pass. For although we could not have believed that such permission had been given by the Directors,

erans at Manhattan

), and they are cal

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