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People Like That

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2359    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ut of the corners of her kind and keen and cheery little eyes when she does not th

that, fight as I may, I cannot keep from asking. Selwyn is my friend. I never doubt a friend. But w

the other wrong in points of view and manner of living? Selwyn was born in a house with high walls around it. He likes its walls. He does not care for many to come in, and cares still less to go outside to others. Few peopl

brain and lungs, and to marry him would be to marry his house. I hate his house, hate the aloofness, the lack of sympathy it represents. Its proud past I can appreciate, but not its useless present. Save his brother Harrie, i

nd I have neither seen

very warm bed, how it would feel to go out in the gra

bbs, who lives around the corner, to the overalls-factory, where she is a forewoman. It is dark and cold

face pressed against the pane, waiting to wave good-by to some one who was leaving. Out of the doors of these houses came men and women and boys and girls, who hurried as we hurried, and with a word to some, a wave of her uplifted hand to others, a blank stare at others again, Lucy seemed leading a long p

g crowd that made its way up several flights of stairs to the big room where shabby clothes are changed for yet shabbier working ones, my good-mornings were greeted with less grudging ac

ing what they term people like that-which term is usually accompanied by a gesture in the direction where I once lived-as said people have concerning them, to whom, as a rule, they also refer in much the same manner and with the

kle, a piece of cheese, a couple of biscuits, and half of a cocoanut pie, and laid them on a table in front of her. "Help yourself." She pushed the paper serving as tray and cloth toward me

of the day. Don't nothing do your insides as much good as something piping hot. Say-I saw Barker last night." Her voice lowered but little. "He and I are going to see 'Some Girl' at the Bijou next week. It's all make-up-his being sweet on Ceeley Bayne!

. As I went I scanned each face I saw. Consciously or subconsciously I had been hoping for days that I would see a face which ever haunts me, a face I wanted to forget and could not forget. Everywhere I go, in factories

fteenth he starts again to school. Knowing the president of the company well, I asked that Jimmy s

person watching each movement of each worker, I agreed with him that it was not well to linger. The room was big and bare, its benches filled with white-faced workers, and the autocrat who pres

e do it for?

e harder than any other kind when they get the chance. She's a bully to the under ones, but the uppers-" Jimmy's eyes were lifted to mine and his lips made a whistling sound. "If Mr. Pritchard kicked her in the face, she'd lick the soles of his shoes when he was doing it,

speak to Mr. Johns? Ce

and-out. High-Spy made Mr. Pritchard do it. Mr. Johns leaves those kinds of things to him.

at my watch. "Can't you go out and have it with me? I'll ask Mr.

because Mr. Pritchard sent me, but he wouldn't let me come back if I went out. I

' pockets with nervous, frightened movements. His usually merry little mouth with its pale

it, Jimmy? What has happened that you don't want me to ask Mr. Jo

d once to-day. Please 'm don't ask Mr. Pritchard

htened indignantly. "W


'm sent out, and docks me at the end of the week. Mother need

What were

was acting down behind High-Spy's back, and I tried not to laugh. She don't let us laugh. But

away and looked out of the window lest the accident to

. Sometimes he lets me make it up at lunch. I

ad of it! When are you

ive cents and gave the rest to mother, and this morning I bought a pie with it and et up every bite. It might have been hooked when I

orch, in the door of which a large and kindly-faced woman was standing, arms folded and eyes watching the movements of the girl. As the latter lifted her head, on which was no hat, I leaned forward, my heart i

te, my fingers twitching, my breath unsteady. "Who is that girl with th

e leaned far out the window, but the girl had disappeared,

d, for Jimmy, turning from the window, looked at m

tter sit down. Did the heat make you sic

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