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Samantha on the Woman Question


Word Count: 1827    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

uz two days away, so I told Lorinda I didn't believe I would have a better time to carry Serepta Pester's errents to Washington

keep a calm and noble frame of mind befittin' them lofty errents, and how could I carry 'em stiddy with a pardner

olemn and high-strung. Yes, my feelin's wuz such as I felt of the heft and importance of them errents not alone to Serepta Pester, but to the hull race of wimmen that it kep' my mental head rained up so high that I couldn'

en splendor upon the splendor beneath it. Broad, beautiful clean streets, little fresh green parks,

aties and laws of every shape and size, good ones and queer ones and reputations and rates and rebates, etc., etc. But it would devour too much time to even name over all that is made and onmade there, even if I knowed by nam

wuz carryin' bore me on almost regardless of my matchless surroundin's and the twinges of rumatiz. And anon I arrived at the White House, where my hopes and the hopes of my sect and Serepta Pester wuz sot. I will pass over my efforts to git into the Presence, merely sayin' that they were arjous and extreme, and I wouldn't probably have got in at all had not the Pre

ner man I don't want to see. But his linement which had looked so pleasant and cheerfu

wanted you to have nothin' stronger than root beer when you had company to dinner, she offerin' to send you some burdock and d

in the balances, I spread them errents out before him. And bein' truthful and above board, I told him that Serepta wuz middlin' disagreeable and very humbly, but she needed her rights jest as much as though she wuz a wax-doll. And I went on and told him how she and her relations had su

d anxious look on his good-natured face, and he sez: "The laws of the

on't you make the Uni

powerful and allegored about allowin' a ring to be put round the United States and let a lot of whiskey dealers and corporations lead h

it looked bad, I

is bad for Serepta an

the revenue the liquor tr

anything but wobble and stagger, loss of wealth by the enormous losses of property and taxation, of alms-houses, mad-houses, jails, police forces, paupers' coffins, and the diggin' of thousands and thousands of graves that are filled yearly by them that reel into 'em." Sez I, "Wouldn't it b

og." Sez I, "The intellectual and moral power of the United States are rolled up and thrust into that Whiskey Ring and bein' drove by the whiskey dealers jest where they want to drive 'em." Sez I, "It contr

to? Is it drawin' 'em down into a slavery ten times more abject and soul-d

z a conundrum boundless as truth and God's justice, and as solemnly deep in

t what I could conscientiously. Sez I, "I think myself Serepta is a little onreasonable, I myself am willin' to wait three or four weeks. But she's suffered dretful from intemperance from the Rings and fr

ou didn't do these errents you sh

"I do not wish to be President again, I shall refuse to be nominated. At the same time I do

adoxes. I've lived with 'em as you m

next room and I knowed

, I think she is justified in askin' for her rights, and to

o is the m

or danglin' from the ceilin', that would take the responsibility offen him, and in the very nick of time t

introduce me to the Senator who entered. And then he bid me

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