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Samantha on the Woman Question


Word Count: 2659    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Josiah come into the house dretful excited. He'd had a invit

they invite you? Yo

me to help 'em be indignant.

about wha

's by tellin' you what it's fur." And he went out quick and shet the door

r. This meetin' wuz called last week for the purpose of bein' indignant over the militant doin's of the English Suffragettes. Josiah and several others in Jonesville wuz

f, to see how it wuz carried on. But I didn't have no hopes on't till Philander Daggett's new young wife come to vis

in a corner of the gallery behind the melodeon, and keep our veils on, he would let her and me in. But we must keep it secret as the grave, for he would lose all the influence he had with t

comin' seclusion, a-knittin' on his blue and white socks, as a woman should. But after visitin' a spell, jest after it got duskish, we wen

oman's Parade, and after their almost Herculaneum labor to teach wimmen her proper place, and all the help they got from the hoodlum and slum elements, they had failed in

Policemen for they had done all they could to protect wimmen's delicacy and retirin' modesty, and put her in her place, and no man in Washington or Jonesville could do more. He read these

ody felt, as a society, at the turrible sufferin's and insults bein' heaped onto their male brethren in England by the indecent and disgraceful doin's of the militant Suffragettes, and to devise, if possible, some way to help their male brethren acrost the sea. "Fo

all a orator's art, and it didn't affect me, though I see a number of the members wipe their eyes, for this talk

tion to protect the weaker sect at any cost, took their valuable time to try to keep wimmen down where they ort to be, angels of the home, who knows but t

n 'em, expectin' 'em to be loyal to the badgered and woman endangered sect

eir complaints, wouldn't hear one word they said, they had tried drivin' and draggin' and insults of all kinds, and breakin' their bones, and imprisonment, and stuffin' 'em with rubber tubes, thrust through their nose down into their throats. And he couldn't think of a thing more that could b

of his own accord. He had to hang onto the seat in front of him as he riz up and said: "He believed that wuz the best and only way out on't, for men to rise up and kill off the weaker sect, for their wuzn't never no trouble of any

had better stop, if there had got to be such doin's, wimmen

out under him, and he slid down

ould work if them militant wimmen could be ketched and a dose of sunthin' bitter and sickenin' poured down 'em. Every time they broached that loathsome doctrine of equal rights, and tr

and doin' their housework, and bearin' and bringin' up their children, and makin' and mendin' and waitin' on 'em. He said nothin' short of a Gatlin gun could keep S

nelius Snyder got up slowly and feebly. He has spazzums and can't hardly wobble. His wife has to support him, wash and dress him, and take care on him like a baby. Bu

got to thinkin' they wuz equal to men, halter

had advanced, as Philander well said, "wimmen had got t

tion that men shall take away all the rights that wimmen

outh, seven of the members riz up and as many as

and put down carpets in the meetin' house, and git up socials and entertainments to help pay the minister's salary, and carry o

d made a feeble motion, "Spozin' we give wimmen liberty enough to work, l

s, and the secretary wuz jest about to record it in the moments as a scheme

ithout endangerin' her life; as a med

t the objection?"

cruelty to animals

t be kep' from work, but h'I propose if we can't do anything else that a card of sympathy be sent to hold Hengland from the Creation Searchin' Society of America, tellin' 'em 'ow our 'earts bleeds for the men's sufferin' a

wuz carried

deef and slow-witted, asked, "What it is about anyway? what do t

ght of representation. And as long as the law punished wimmen equally with men, they had a right to help make that law, and as long as men claimed wimmen's place wuz home, they wanted the right to guard that home. And as long as they brought children into the world they wa

' to not be trod on." Sez he, "I have studied the subject on every side, and I claim the best way to deal with them militant fema

the members, but others differed and showe

on and pro, that they could not see any way out of the matter, they could not

looked as if he wuz most ready to bust out cryin'. And as I looked on his beloved lin

abroad. How would it work to stop the trouble by givin' the wi

ought it wuz a voice from another spear. Them wuz the skairt and horrow struck ones, and them that thought it wuz a earthly woman's voice wuz so mad that they wuz by the side of themselves and car

t Philander to this day

men and wimmen both, and would stop the mad doin's of the English Suffragettes, whic

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