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Samantha on the Woman Question


Word Count: 2029    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

about the doin's at Albany and Washington. How women's respectful pleas for justice are treated there. How the law-makers, born and nussed by wimmen and dependent on '

w wimmen couldn't git no more rights accorded to her than a dog or a hen, and worse. For a hen or a dog wouldn't be taxed to raise money for turkle soup and shampain to nourish the law-makers whilst they made the laws agin 'em--Mom Nater

peeches. But when her tear-drops fell fast, Josiah sez to me, "You'll see them wimmen run like

see," (we wuz under a

nnet, kep' right on talkin' jest as calmly as if she didn't know her pretty d

esses, and let their Sunday bunnets be spilte on their heads, not noticin' 'em seemin'ly, but kee

meachin' but di

pleadin' our cause. Their arguments wuz so reasonable and convincin' that I said to myself, I don't see how anybody can help bein' converted to this righteous cause, the liftin' up of wimmen from her uncomfo

yed till we heard the last word of the last speech, I happy and proud in sperit, Lorinda partly converted, she couldn't help it, though she wouldn't own up to it at that juncter. And Josiah lookin' real deprested

d he wouldn't be so anxious in the future to represent a woman, I told him what Diantha said and we all went home in good s

flowery branches in front and the pink posies lookin' no more bright and rosy

n his takin' her to the suffrage meetin' jest to make fun on't, so I spoze. She thought she had rubbed out Polly's image and made a imp

nd read in her lovely face the earnest desire to lift the burden from the heavy laden, c

nd womanly wimmen, so full of good sense and truth and justice that no reasonable person could dispute 'em, and when he contrasted all

a bright ray from that same light that shone down into Royal's heart and made him see. He wuz always good hearted and generous--men have always been better th

yrate the same rain that washed some of the color off Maud's cheeks, seemed to wash away the blindin' mist of prejudice and antagonism from Royal's mental vision, leavin' his sperit ready for the great wh

all to the grove in his big tourin' car, and the fourth trip he took Polly alone, and wuzn't it queer that, though the load wuz fur lighter, it took him three times

r changes through the centuries, though fashion often changes, and riotous plenty or food famine may exalt or depress the sperit of the householder. Nothin' but time has any power over this divine fruitage. He gradually, as the light of the ho

mestic comfort and contentment wuz not to be despised, though fur different. And the light fur different

' too much, and t

appearance. And like a good wife I sympathized with him in his pride and happiness, though I told him they didn't present any better appea

me outright, but said he thought the All

Smith nut-cakes are lighter and have a more artisti

reunion, for he eat fur too much as it wuz. I had to give him five pepsin lozengers and some pepper tea. And then I

that we owed visits to. And we went to see a number of 'em and enjoyed our four selves first rate. These things all took place more than a year ago and another man sets

ucky if he'd sot in the chair that day. But then I d'no, there are so many influences and hendrances planted like thorns in the cushion of that chair that a man, no matter how earnest he strives to do jest right, can't help bein' pricked by 'e

e worst foe to fight and conquer is Ridicule; and he and others in high places have attackted Fashion s

done can be estimated. How fur the influence has extended. How many weak wills been strengthe

there again. It is too wearin' for one of my age and my rheumatiz. What a

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