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The Man in Lower Ten


Word Count: 1203    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

anded in a situation so grotesque and yet so horrible that you laugh even while you are groaning, and straini

e hero into stove lengths, the second villain blows up the sawmill. The hero goes up through the

member staggering to the door and closing it, and then going back to bed and howling out the absurdity and the madness of the whole thing. And while I laughed my v

had seen her last, in the queer hat with green ribbons. I told the doctor this, guardedly, the next morni

an I do. I remember very distinctly that the jumping and throbbing in my arm brought me back to a world that at first was nothing but sky, a heap of clouds that I thought hazily were th

ling, of a rain of fiery sparks on my face and of somebody beating at me with feeble hands. I opened my eyes and closed them again: the girl in blue was bendin

u've been on fire twice already." A piece of striped ticking floated slowl

d cheerfully. And then, as my arm gave an

wly, distinctly, as one might sp

re has been a terrible accident. The second section ran into us. The wrec

to my senses. "I hear," I said. "I-I

ed. Do you thin

foot after ano

. "Would you mind telling me where the back of my h

t's pretty badly bumped," she sa

k at the wreck," I entreated her. "It's no sight for a woman. If-if there is any way to

. A part the wreck collapsed with a crash. In a resolute to play a man's part in the tragedy going on around, I got to my knees. Then I realized what

eck, her eyes averted. "The weight of the traveling-bag must be agony. Let me support the

ssible. There were red-hot stabs of agony clear to my

. "If I had a knife I could do it myself. You

he was going to cut off the satchel, not the arm. The d

"And with that weight gone, I think I will

would not move, and at last, with great drops

's a knife somewhere around these clothes, and if

iar expression, bewilderment rather than surprise. But she said nothi

if you can pin my sleeve to my coat, it will

got up, coming back in a minute with a draggled, partly scorched sheet. This she tore into a large square,

ng up the sealskin bag, I walked slo

: the curtain fallen.

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