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The boy Allies at Liege


Word Count: 2332    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

at the occupants of the automobile

u have to," was the young lieutenant's wh

u from?" aske

eplied the

are you



oung American lads and the third is a Belgian gentleman. I

th whom we choose. A state of wa

of war between your

f it; there may be by this time.


to leave your machi

hat re

and it. You are

de, the German o

uard of f

Four of the troopers who blocked the road di

en and report to Major Von Volk," com

ion of the four who guarded t

rned again to

" he ordered th

" whispered Lieutenant Anderson to hi

but the others are likely t

ust watch our chance, and, if

tomobile, and were immediate

he machine," the officer

ulated Chester. "We

Then he turned his attention to the back. He lifted up the rugs th

med, and added: "At lea

hole in the ba

officer, and hurried

ord and waved

he exclaimed, indicati

red Hal to Chester, who stood besid

Chester, "and we've

d it about a few seconds, a

me up under the guard of his nearest captor, and with

a groan of pain, his tongue almost bitten off. Without a pause, Chester turned upon an

Turning upon his nearest guard, he seized the latter's rifle, at the same time delivering a well-directed kick at his enemy's shin. The man released his hold on the rifle, and,

before the German officer and the soldier who were exploring the interior of the

Chester's attack had taken them by surprise. Almost at the same moment Hal seized the weapon of his guard Captain Dere

mmanding officer and his troops

is revolver and rushing to take part in the

er drew a

he German officer or his man could fire, was in the thick of the mêlée. Lieutenant Anderson, having

bring their revolvers to bear, and rushed

ll of the soldier, and then turned upo

er's gun, and Captain Derevaux and the remaining German trooper were rolling about upon the ground,

d, stepping inside the other's guard, placed the officer hors de combat

captain's grip, and, springing to his feet, leveled his rifle, which h

hing blow at the man's head. The clubbed weapon found its mark with a crushing impact,

length upon the ground, there was a sudden shout, and a body of caval

ieutenant. "To the mac

x, he made a ru

ather up the two revolve

an up to the automobile and swung himself aboard, just as Hal, who had climbe

ts again flew around the car, and there was again the sound o

of the car, and he bent as low a

became less audible, and

ptain Derevaux arose from the botto

g his hand on Hal's shoulder. "If it hadn't been for you, I guess the

been for the prompt action of Chester in that enco

ere embarrassed b

d over his shoulder. "You wou

who had been almost forgotte

friend is getting better. Guess we h

lieutenant prepared a bandage. In a few minutes the chauffeur had recovered sufficiently to drink a

fe for a little while, a

he lieutenant; "but, as I sai

act, until the first streak of dawn appeared in the east. T

head and jumped to

d! Speed up, H

rsuing automobile, and, even from that d

a short time the pursu

the speed was

ned that we can travel


a loud explosion-the car rocked cr

nch captain, in despair. "Now we ar

etained Che

, including the wounded

thought himself of the pu

. Our pursuers w

aid the captain, "

e woods continued. A hundred yards back over the road they had traversed was a sharp curve, hiding any ap

tain hurriedly, "the machine as i

s not," replied

nough to fix it it won't do


off. If I am not mistaken, it will run along the road at least to the next curve. Even from here

ide here until our pursuers pass. The chances are they will continue past the curve, never seeing the wreckage at the bottom of

e," declared Hal, and th

y reach the next town, that we hav

ome to it. Besides, there is little doubt in my mind that the authorities in

tart it, and, as it took a flying leap forward, he hurled himself from the machine

watched the car in its m

being bursted won't stop it's st

as the best chauffeur in the world could have driven, and the fi

I hope it makes a good jump; and

ore our pursuers heave in sight, which

hing the flight of the mad car. And

making a desperate leap, hurled itself into space, where it soar

sorrowfully; "and now it's up to us t

y gained the first dense covering there was a

a second huge car, in which could be caught a glimpse of unifor

he woods," urged Chester

and, when they felt sure they had penetrated far enough to avoid any chance

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