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The boy Allies at Liege

Chapter 7 THE ESCAPE.

Word Count: 1850    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

negro had taken his departure. "Didn't I tell you

pose his plan is

ut you can depend upon

eutenant Anderson were

had laid o

right," remar

up against a wall without a

" said Hal, "but I am sure it will be successful. I

o," declar

hman, "all we can do now is t

spoke up the lieutenant, "and that's m

id Chester. "I think we all had better get some sle

lieutenant. "I guess

mattresses, and with their mind

ntered the cell with their "dinner," which consisted

de a g

le Billy?" he demanded. "Why, I'm

ly grinne

ore 'nuff dinnah 'fo

g all right?"

ht. Yo'al jes' do like I tell you," an

bread and devoured it hungrily. Thirstily they g

hours pas

Chester finally. "Won't

on't get excited," orde

won't get

nd for a time the f

was broken by the faint

from his pocket. Then he closed the

e said briefly. "

is weight against it, and slowly the huge door swung outwar

nions, and softly the four stepped outsi

corridor, out across the bridge and to t

ewel," declared the youn

t," whispered ba

through the gate and pe

t back to hi

e!" he w

re Uncle Billy said friends

r make it at a run,"

one might happen along and we wo

our broke into a run, and turning to the right in acc

shelter of the castle wall. Just as they reached the e

the unmistakable v

had been hidden from their sight, sta

e way a short distance along the wall

ioned the compa

e lieutenant, when al

, I suppose," s

that-a-way. Since de Emp'ror declared wah on Belgin an' Englan'

the French captain

war?" asked the young

ah. I jes' he

ch way sh

ncle Billy pointed toward the southwest, in the di

the country between must be overrun w

front," explained the old neg

r take Uncle Billy's wo

he lieutenant. "Uncle Billy,

Derevaux. "We can nev

," and he turned his horse's head toward

topped for a further

demanded Chester. "Won't you get i

o. "There won't none o' dese hy

e boys. "After the war is over

the old negro slowly, "Ise

eled their horses and rode after their com

passed the outposts of the town," said the lieutenant, as they

sentry, but so softly did their horses step th

captured the night before, at a considerable distance; and now, feeling sure th

d all towns this time

close enough to them

an. "We would better avoid the hi

north of the Belgian frontier. Following the highways, their way would lead through Prenzlau, Brunswick, and Detmold. But upon Cap

he open fields, Hal and Chester

, "we'll come back and get hi

s the old Southern negro ever

r two friends, it is fitting that here be related the fate of this

m the old castle, Uncle Billy, with

exclaimed. "May dey

ld negro, after one last glance, turned toward hi

minutes prayed in silence. Then he arose, exting

n the castle. Upon the order of General Steinberg he went to the vacant cell with the firing

then threw up his hands

ne!" he

e officer in charge


cell. Then he turned to Uncle Billy and laid his ha


the prisoner


neral's quarters!"

led before Gen

ter the situation had been exp

proudly, and the years seeme

traitor, sah, because I is willin' ter die fer

d the general.


grew purple and he wave

. "Sergeant! Take that black hound out and shoo

luted and turne

!" he

ly from the hut. Outside the squad of sol

facing him, their rifles grounded by their sides,

with a bandage for his eyes, the

t; imperiously he waved the sergeant away, and his

the voice of



slid gently to the ground, h

nd over his heart. As he did so, the body of the

ght the faint so

me the old voice in a low whisper; an

ened up, and lifted h

ad!" he s

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