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The boy Allies at Liege


Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

adventure. Twice they saw lights of nearby towns, and upon each

w rein at a little brook, where they sat down to rest for a

suppose we have

Frenchman; "but we have co

k we are out

ny," put in the lieutenant. "We may be safe from pursu

e us to get out of the

uck, fi

id Hal. "I have had enough excitement

," declare

our later they succeeded in purchasing breakfast at a farmhouse. As all were draining their sec

" cried Chest

riefly, and stepped to a window. The others

y of Black Hussars," re

eutenant, as the horsemen d

y are looking for u

rdly likely they have heard

d trust to their passing by,

better stay here.

hat the lieutenant's pro

swept by the farmhouse, a squad of a dozen men, headed by an officer,

ain," remarked Hal,

ung captain quickly. "One shot an

s weapon back

re came a loud knoc

ward to answer the knock, but w

swer!" he

stared at

husband. He is a cavalry officer, you kno

ain again bl

id, "I must ask you n

nt in astonishment; then a qu

exclaimed. "Y

aded the captain and

s effort having failed. "I guess w

four ran through the house, went down the steps three at a

when the woman and a German officer appeared in the back door of the

wling the soldiers over on all sides, and for a mome

his knees. Chester was flung from his saddle, over his horse'

over Chester. The captain and the you

t was heard, and a bullet whistled over Hal's head. Ha

s face towar

s flashing, "I'll drop one or

t, the lieutenant

" and Hal sta

their hands in token of surrender; and it was well that they did so,

would have been impossible, an

und," came a command, and the

olver again, and the rifles of


ool. Throw th


and of the troop ap

you?" he

replied Lieut

are you


u run at ou

enant mad

officer, after a pause

t there all right Tha

utenant Anderson had dis

recovered co

aken from his wounded horse and put upon another, which was brought from the stable. The four companions

ime to time they passed detachments of troops hurrying in the opposite direction. They did not overtake th

re led before the comm

ieutenant An

ng captain, "is Captain Derevaux, of the French army." Then, pointing to Hal and Chester: "These

e in your company, the

explained the

t for some moments, meditati

enant Schmidt

er entered the general

quarter them in your home. You may remain here," he told the boys, "until I have made inquir

onel," said Lie

at I have found you within our lines in civilian attire would justify me in having you shot at once. But I shall not dispose of your cases until

hook hands with t

us," said Hal; "but we appreciate your

do," agre

and make no further efforts to get out of the country until you are give

captain. "To get through the country now is

they do with

n shrugged h

us, I s

d not interfered with the conver

" he declared. "Take

lowed the old lieut

called to their two fri

e response; "reme

the town, then turning into a lane, marched them int

nd will be glad to see you. You will have the freedom of the grounds, but remember, any attempt to l

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