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The Boy Scouts Along the Susquehanna


Word Count: 2668    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r Fox Patrol. At the same time, if he wished to render assistance to the imperiled lad it was necess

up, will you? I know what you can do in cold water. We've just got t

ld from the melting snows further toward the source of the river; but Giraffe was known for his boldness, and a little thing like that could not frighten

e their haversacks the first thing. In this way Thad knew he would be "killing two birds with one stone," for they must be impeded wit

own a little further!" he shouted, as t

nstream at quite a rapid rate. He lost his grip even as Thad looked, and the heart of the scout seemed to leap into his throat with dread. Then the boy somehow managed to regain his hold, but he seemed to

n when taking this look toward the scene of the catastrophe a

nsue before he could expect to push out to where the overturned boat was going to

already Giraffe had reached deep water so that he was compelled to swim. The sight of him buffeting the waves gave Thad considerable satisfaction

ntion of Allan to have them where they could render assistance in getting the others

ich he did right valiantly, constantly keeping tabs on the oncoming boat, and still hoping th

again slipped back into the churning water. But Thad and Giraffe were closing in on him, w

It seemed an interminable time to the lengthy scout before he saw Thad reappear. At first he feared the patrol leader must have missed connections with

earn as a part of their preparedness, when trying to rescue a comrade who has been seized with a cramp while swimming-holding the unconscio

waded in up to his waist to reach out a hand, it came e

, but he kept his wits about him, and ga

citate the apparently drowned boy; while Bumpus and Smithy started a

nd slapped their arms furiously in the ende

r boy was kneading his chest after the most approved fashion known to life-savers; and a couple of the

n the group; when Bob White, although full of sympathy for her harrowed feelings, knew t

nd insisted in restraining her, at the sa

ping him that way. There's lots of hope he'll come out all right, because he wasn't under the water long. Why, I believe I saw his eyelid flutter right then.

e while he began to breathe naturally; then his eyes opened, and he even made an eff

it. Thad, too, could think again, and direct his chums what to do. One of them ran to the cabin and came back with a blanket, which was wrapped around the now recovered but

eumonia, should follow the immersion, and she promised to keep him in

ir confusion; for they felt that the thanks were due to Thad and Giraffe, if anybody

se those who had been in the water wished to thoroughly dry their

leaving the shore, as swimming would have been next to impossib

e signal for another start, the boys thought it wise to mak

persons who were in danger of being drowned; and also of resuscita

knowledge of certain kinds which all scouts are required to attain before they can become shin

s to learn how to swim during his first season in camp. How many thousands of lives might have been saved in the past if all boys over eight years of age had been taught how to keep

spark of life coaxed back. You worked that as fine as anything I ever saw, Allan, and the rest of you. Thad and me felt so shivery cold I'm afraid we couldn't have done it alone by

f his reckless way of sending poor Bumpus into that field with the angry mother cow had been patent to Thad early that morning, when he saw Giraffe asking

h, "no boy should ever be allowed to go out in

he greatest kind of chances, when if an upset comes along they're as helpless as babies. That mother

re sailing vessels, and not steamers, it wasn't a strange thing to find dozens of old jack tars who had spent their whol

ecause every Boy Scout has got to learn how to swim, or he'll stay

f you thought to rescue that at th

o full getting him to the bank to bother about that cranky old junk. It'll bring up somewhere below, like as not, or else float out on the Ches

Once upon a time he had been like most thoughtless boys, so intent on filling his gamebag, or catching a record number of fish, that slaughter counted little with him; but after joining

the half savage instinct that seems to repose within nearly all boys' brea

oroughly dried. There was a general scrutiny on the part of all hands, so as to make sure nothing had been forgotten in the excitement. Thad had

ffered in the least because of this sudden and unexpected call upon their services. A

i-clad boys started along the river road, headed southeast, and with a positive assurance that th

quarry. Thad frequently searched for the marked footprint, and as often discovered it plainly ma

that Bumpus was heard

ittle help on account of that stiff

if scorning to show signs of fatigue when th

self limping a little, because of a pebble that had managed to work into his shoe

s na?vely, "it's started to

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