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The Boy Scouts Along the Susquehanna


Word Count: 2676    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

che, now?" remarked Giraffe, making a w

ur game passed us by. A healthy lot of scouts we seem like, don't we? When people hear of this they'll vote us a leather meda

ed at the

we couldn't help. How were we to guess that the man we came after would drop in here and rob the farmer? The fortunes of war, Bumpus. Besides

rted on a game. Keeping everlastingly at it is what wins most of all. George was kind

his even Bumpus was soon looking satisfied again. The farmer declared he would not try to sleep any more that night, but

the barn, for since the small hours of the morning had come

they were hearing the bugle sounding the reveille. Bumpus had been aroused by Allan poking him in the r

The work of the farm had started long before, and already the girls were coming in with full buckets of

of the house bearing all manner of additions to the menu, even to a couple of apple pies, which seems to

ready to make a fresh start, the girls insisted on pressing various little additions to their larder upon them, so

forlorn over their going that T

r we get home I'll send you a bunch of reading matter in connection with this scout movement, as well a

give a heap if I ever hed a chanct to wear a suit like them be, an' camp out in the woods. I hearn thar be a troop o' s

me know. First of all I'm going to mail you an extra handbook or Boy Scout Manual I've got knocking around

done for the scouts. Indeed, they vehemently declared they were heavily in the boys' debt on account of their having helped save t

d the expression on the face of the patrol leader, guessed he must have met with a certain amount of success

there, Thad?

ied with a smile of satisfaction, such as a fellow may

has the sole held in place by a rag bound

hat, just as we learned long ago was the c

across the trail?

plain even a tenderfoot couldn't miss seeing the same. And when

the rive

trol; "and that just suits us right up to the notch, you know.

ile the older people contented themselves with making use of their hands. This little visit of the sc

the road; though Thad had solemnly promised the farmer to send him back in due t

nals of the jolly country girls, Thad was showing Allan, Giraffe, Bob White and Step Hen the plain impression of

, and shot his quota of small game like rabbits, squirrels, quail and woodcock; yet knew next to nothing concerning the real delights of woodcraft. But the seed had taken root in Hiram's soul,

the van of course had the task of keeping in touch with the tracks and every once in a while

g fellow's hard hand warmly. So they passed out of Hiram's life; but the result of his meeting these wide-awake s

s another

s concerning what was coming before long. If anything the damp feeling in the air had grown mor

ly scouts, however; and as the morning crept along the

d a discovery of some moment. Trust "Old Eagle Eye" for finding out things

pus, between puffs, for the pace was fast e

as sure as you live!

me," remarked Bob White, who was particularly fond o

tear already!" came from Bumpus, as he caught his

familiar with the river, because I visited here several summers

ithin reaching distance of the water as long as they kept to that thoroughfare; though of course should they learn, through the

ilization, and not been locked up. In fact, Thad was of the opinion that the pair of nomads must have circled around the village on general principles. After having been discovered in the act of robbing

pair still held to the river road, and that was

n the leader and Allan closely examining a pretty fair footprin

ee, and have to figure it out on general principles; but we've concluded that this pri

e," Allan added, pointing as he spoke. "We figure they must have invested some of the stolen money in

re the tramps had rested; "see here what I've picked up. That flask must have held a full pint, and it's been drained to the last dr

t count too heavy on that same; though it'd be a bully good thing for us, as we could get back the Judge's blue overc

same some of the scouts felt positive their leader had his plan of campaign mappe

in between the road and the river. A fenced-in patch showed

calling out, d'ye suppose?" remarked St

on the river, too, you notice. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cub of a boy who's gone out further than he ought to on the swift current in some tub of a boa

s clumsily trying to turn its head in the direction of the shore. The obstructions in the Susquehanna make it a very treacherous str

't take care!" exclaimed Bob White

fact he did just what he should never have done; for when the bow of his boat ran up on a partly submerged

d he gave no sign of obeying, his one thought being to push his

nt had got in its treacherous work, just as Thad a

boat turned turtle!"

rieked the woman, wringing her hands, and appealing to the detachment of sco

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