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The Boy Scouts Along the Susquehanna


Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ad!" remarked Gi

mp allowed them to see every part of the interior; and some of the scouts had e

to me that he'd leave his supper cooking on the stove here," and as Allan said this he pushed back a frying p

could easily be understood that he was now well worked up; at the same time he warmed his hands by the fire, and even stooped down to t

erposed, "if he don't want to get his jacket wet,

escending drops on the roof of the cabin, showing t

e, grinning, as he relieved himself of his haversack, and immediately

of refuge. I hope now the owner will allow us to stay with him over night, for it wo

on is nine points of the law, they say; and we're here to stay, even if we have to pay three prices for accommodatio

hove it back, for when the owner of the boat does come home he

ous haversacks soon disclosed a quantity of eatables, and the cooking of supper was deemed a "snap" by those

racket they had at times to fairly shout in order to be heard-w

him. Some of the other boys did not have quite so much confidence, for whenever there was a sudden movement of the boat, as some gust of wind struck the upper end, the more nervous ones wo

her around the table; indeed, they filled the small cabin pretty well, eight of them in space that was really intended for two or three; b

he storm did considerable to lift them to this plane. Then again the enjoyment they found in satisfying their hunger

g the liveliest kind of a tattoo upon the roof. Thad was glad to discover

nd, must have guessed what the other was thin

d that when the weather was dry he didn't think to bother with it; and when it rained why he couldn't mend it. This one is as tight as a dr

ith a bar. It also had a padlock on the outside, showing that it might be t

wed the leader over. "We'd have been compelled to break in, and that's a serious offense

f them essayed to step beyond the sill. The storm was now in full blast, and the river seemed to

ugly, doesn't

dea it was a peaceful sort of river, with beautiful banks, and the canal running along in places parallel to the river; but I

unt of water in the channel; but from the way the rain's coming down it'

bank; because in that case, Thad, we might have been washed away b

ed the do

re not cowering under a branch shelter, and taking a ducking. Even with the rubber bla

hout. Now, it might be he looked out, and glimpsing a bunch of fellows in khaki suits and carrying guns, running this way, he thought we were soldiers.

g you're close to the truth, Allan,

in place, Thad, after you'd shut the

-night, being tired, I thought it might be best to fix things so we'd have ample warning if the owner of the boat did turn up. Let him knock, and we'll

ning appealed fa

"and a fellow would have the time of his life trying to crawl through such a

revious night, it will be remembered, and the day's tramp had been anything b

re began to be a movement on foot looking to finding accommod

ich in the daytime could be fastened up against the wall, and in this manner avoid taking up a considerable amount of space, to be dropped when needed.

ters, had happened to suggest that possibly the man owning the boat may have been seized with a fit when he was stooping over to draw some water from the river in a bucket, a

it to rock from time to time, bothered some of the scouts in the beginning, they finally grew mor

s yielded to the drowsy feeling that overcame them

and realized that Giraffe, who chanced to have lain

e. The bellowing storm still held full sway without, and while there had been no thunder and lightning, as must have been

shanty boat on which they had found such welcome refuge. It rocked violently, and

ed, though it chilled him to the very marrow to

lled violently before he would open his eyes; and their various exclamations

is it,

el the old boat ju

e seasick already!"

moorings?" demanded Giraffe; and the anxious listener

t's happened, boys, and tha

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