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The Boy Scouts on Sturgeon Island or Marooned Among the Game-fish Poachers


Word Count: 2491    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y a big owl!"

with your yellow-eyed pa

d let out a piercing series of blasts that would have undoubtedly frightened an

could not reach him with its curved beak, though it made several

descending the tree, and now gripped it

jected Davy; "and as it stuck there in that black hole, how w

hy, he'd snap you like lightning; once let that beak strike, and you'd lose

es off the bird, for its plumage was certainly beautiful, being a combination of creamy

his legs, and what fun we'd have with the thing while we

leg. It would be worth while to have some sort of pet along with us; because Bumpus has kicked o

nder but strong steel chain which Step Hen had brought with him, intending to use in case he

blinking eyes. There was still enough of daylight, with all that glow in the western heavens to interfere with his sight m

wl, and admired his plumage; "perhaps later on I might happen to land a 'coon or a mink, who knows. I

a pair of muskrats; after which we'd expect to find a fox under our feet every time we stepped; a wolverine growling like fun at us when we made the least move; a squirrel climbing all over u

ng supper on the fire; and unless you look sharp he'll just cut down your

these six churns were as fond of each other as any lads could possibly be. There was hardly anything they

e others could display a pretty good stowage capacity when it came to disposing of the meals

went to, make up the full complement; of the Silver Fox Pat

and went by the name of "Bob White," among his friends; and Edmun

ous. They were intending also to make use of another boat, since the one engaged for the party would only a

Mary river boasts at that point, where the pent-up waters of Superior rush through the St. Mary's riv

duty compelled him to be the chef for a day had to count on filling th

passed through; crackers, some bread that one of them toasted to a beautiful brown color alongside the fire, and almost scorched his face in the bargain; and the whole flanked by the

isibly in the endeavor to see, whether there was a third "helping" le

r Tim?" suggested Step Hen, wickedly, for tha

ery last beef steak we're apt to see for half a moon; and I say it would be a shame to waste it on a he

n like this came up, connected with bird or animal lore; and no matter how puzzling the

l sort of get used to seeing us about; and he won't refuse to eat when you put something out for him

me," asserted Bumpus, never dreaming that by accident he wo

ep Hen; "as sure as an

e what you might

though there had been a time when they were real tenderfeet, and could hardly distinguish between the call of

you feel foolish, Step

at silly notion into

poor old bird; and just listen to its mate mourning for it, would you? I'd think you'd f

p Hen observed, knowing full well that Bumpus did not want to see the feathered captive set fr

s told him; "and take it from me you'll see that other owl come winnowin

idea had appealed to him; and there was a chance that he would indulge in v

lankets, they fell to talking of other days when they had bee

strain so as to sing soprano like a bird, was coaxed to favor them w

kenham Ferry;" for boys can appreciate such sentiments more than most folks believe; and especially when in an open air camp, with the breeze sighing through the trees around them, or the waves

had said, this might be the last time they would camp ashore during trip, because on the morrow they anticipated, unless som

ve any hardship to these bold lads, accustomed to spending many a night

ugh the cold part of the night, but if there did happen to be any wild beasts around in that section of the Lake Superio

s head to stare over toward the low branch upon which the captive owl was fastened; as though he might h

interest of knowledge; he was willing to simply ask some one w

why a watch should be maintained, for they felt sure there could hardly be a human being within miles of the camp; and even if this wer

roak from the captive owl, as it continued to peck savagely at the chain around its leg; or it mi

rtue, he would get quietly up, and pour a tin-cup of lake water over the one who persisted in sleeping with hi

e about that took even the seasoned campers by surprise, f

eam that caused every head to bob up, and

Hen; for that idea was so firmly lodged in his brain that

ser, for they knew that shout

call out and draw their a

think! Acts like he'd clean gone out of his head, and got loony!" he cried, as wi

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