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The Boy Scouts on Sturgeon Island or Marooned Among the Game-fish Poachers


Word Count: 2463    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

vens. The fat scout seemed to be trying to execute all the steps in a Southern hoedown, or an Irish jig; for he was p

the other continued to waltz around in his bright red and white striped pajamas, that made

some of that purple stuff you use for scratches from wild animals. Mebbe blood, poisonin

umpus?" asked Thad, though already

al answer; "please, oh! please tell me whet

o meddle with my owl, tell me? Sure, I did give you permission to unchain him,

Bumpus declared, s

ered the sufferer; "all it may need is washing, and then binding up

t's some lucky it wasn't his face the bird st

y the fat scout se

struck that!" he declared; while Allan hastened to open a package and take out some salve and tape such as scouts should alway

lk around in this way, and go over to t

single thing about it!" the other went on to say,

" continued the scout-master, who always probed things to the ve

I can remember laying down for a snooze, and then everything seems to be blank after that, t

Injuns rolled into one couldn't beat that howl.

panthers. Then I thought about rattlesnakes too, because you know I can't stand for the crawlers. Next thing I opened my eyes with a jum

w returned in time to hear

p walking, seems like

aimed Bumpus, shivering. "If they're agoing to take me again I see my finish

l stop you prancing around loose, trying to set my pets free in your sleep," Step Hen went

That's what comes of you keeping the silly old owl. Serve you about right if his mate dropped in a

he very first one to ask if we couldn't

alve, calculated to help heal the wound, on the torn place, and then with the assistance of the scout-

raffe; "and for one I'm going to skip back under my blanket, where I can snuggle d

was so easy to expect some other to do disagreeable things; though as a rule the boys were accustomed to saying, "let Davy do it,"

not start walking in his sleep again, for nothing occurred to disturb their slumbers until dawn came alon

the shore of the big water several miles they would come to the point where there was a village, with so

start; and the six khaki-clad lads could be seen moving at a fairly fast pace along the shore of the lake. Ste

the strangers to their domain; but Thad knew full well that under differen

more determined than ever to try and keep Jim; and he frowned every time he saw Bumpus observing the bird thoughtfully, because he imagined t

an the balance of the scouts, and possessed of a neck he could stretch to

a cheer, the owl commenced to struggle afresh, and Step Hen

s were able to step out at a more lively

e they had seen some sort of dock, at which a couple

vered a boat that answered the description o

y. That good sized powerboat was the Chippeway Belle, the vessel whic

s were all aboard, as well as their extra supplies

, eager to find out how the craft could go; for up to now the Silver Fox Patrol had generally spent their outi

imself looking pleased at the prospect of being

ch of a water-dog himself, and rather viewed the prospect of getting out of sight of land on board so small a craft wit

. And more than that, the gentleman attended to packing all our supplies at the Soo, and sent the boat here on a steamer, so we could start from this place. It was

ip his hat to the colors of the gay Chippeway Belle!" and in answer to this request on the part of Davy Jones t

fancied, he might have more or less trouble with the motive power of this Lake Superi

us Bumpus watched their conference uneasily, and could be seen to carefully pick out a spot on the rail where he perched, and seem

ke a start. Several men stood around to watch them get away, among them the party in whose charge the boat had been left, and

itedly, as the machinery started to go wit

the clear waters of the great lake, every scout was thrilled with th

o-day," remarked Giraffe who seemed determined that no reg

board. Why, do you know there's a whole big ham, two slabs of bacon, and all sorts of good things. No danger of any of

ng as though he felt a cold draught; "I know right well that if such a horrible thing ev

tempting," chuckled Step Hen; "now, who'd ever think of picking

be thin," remarked the scout held up to de

e had crept over the surface of the lake. The Chippeway Belle had been going along at quite a fair pace, thought making more noise than was agree

e're wrecked already!" y

eer desperation he jumped deliberately overboard, clinging to the side of the swaying cra

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