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The Boy Scouts on Sturgeon Island or Marooned Among the Game-fish Poachers


Word Count: 2015    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

und?" asked Step Hen,

nly me," came from the

lat on his stomach

ke to spring just then; for truth to tell Giraffe, Davy and even Step Hen himself were feeling as though if this sort of sway

affe, more to have something to talk about, and so forg

ainst our larboard quarter, the wind carries drops of water flying past. It's a lively little blow all rig

far from land, in such a little pumpk

at's threatening to wheeze its last any m

engine is doing its prettiest, and I take off my hat to it. Don't, you go to calling it hard names, or it might get even by kicking over the traces, and quittin

ugh both of those fellows would tear themselves to pieces, as the boat conti

ch Giraffe apparently thought he might as well make it unanimous then there were

iraffe spoke up, after a while, showing that even sea

e distance, so that the little head

unless some accident happened he believed that before another twenty minutes passed they would be able

en around them; no doubt the fact that clouds covered the face of the sky had mo

doleful way, and heave a tremendous sigh, as though he might be wondering if his whole past would be appearing

e boat would sink with me," he went on to say, with a dismal smile; "and

adland right away, and you'll be surprised to see how quick you get over feeling bad. There

rning his head, for he was very busy; "but seems to me the old boat is jump

e of land, and already the worst was over, for the seas were not near so heavy, th

eed, for he did not want to run aground, or have any other acci

er, simply because he had more grit and determination than any of the other

re dark gets us, so as to find the best anchorage," Thad

" said Giraffe; "because that wind from the south

ep at us here?" asked Thad. "No, we ought to find out if there really is a little stream flowing into

en the fact that he took any sort of interest in what was g

sit up, and take notice of things. The recovery from seasickness is usually as rapid as the coming of the trouble; given a

into the lake at this place; and that around several bends there was a splendid anchorage for a small boat su

last, all of them were pleased to feel that

, and of course sharp set to get supper started; indeed all of

d for. Giraffe started a pot of rice cooking, for he was very fond of that dish, and could "make a meal off it," he often decla

together with a can of corn, and another of lima beans, the whole making what is known as a "

up in air-proof packages, and tea constituted

ecause what they were just then eating tasted so very good. But with such enormous appetites as a sauce, there could never be any chance for a complaint

nd the wash of the big waves told that the sea was probably higher than before; so that every fellow expressed himself as glad th

ld arrange just how they were to pile into that small cabin, and manage to sleep; for six boys can take up considerable room; a

rom his indisposition. He only hoped he w

n the sly, baited with a piece of meat he had fastened to the hook, in hopes of some gullible fis

nd some angle worms; for without bait it was folly to think of catching fish

although Bumpus was not aware of the fact, the tall scout had had his line

come pretty warm between them, once

powerboat that had passed them that afternoon, apparently heading in another direction; though Thad knew

to be thinking about retiring so as to get so

s for some little time, observed that he was trying t

r as I can make out," he went on to say; "every now and then it bobs up, a

t around here; and perhaps they take us for revenue officers trying to nip them at their work. Whew! spells more trou

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