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The Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three


Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


her Jack bending over him. That is, he knew it was Jack from the lad's voice, but, as

or Tom, he was up in a jiffy. In the cages, as has been mentioned, were some half dozen silver foxes and one black one. In

recuperating from his ducking of the afternoon, had visited the cages and fe

a bank," Tom had laughingly remarked as the

oxes," Jack had rejoined, as the animals sprang snapping and snarling viciously at the fi

d Mr. Chillingworth left, they warned me to be constantly on the lookout for tro

ted part of the world?" Jack had asked, gazing about at the solitary, snow-cov

o miners 'way back in the hills where we thought no human being had penetrated; and at this time

here would be danger of somebody botherin

y so in so many words, but I'll bet that was what was on their mind

ld not imagine, but a short time before he aroused Tom, he had heard a soft crunching on the snow outside

and made for his brother's, Tom being t

rs!" were the fir

k could not ref

was Tom's reply, "while we jump i

from a device in the roof of the cabin. Jack soon had the solid blinds closed and fastened, and then he struck a match and lit the hanging lamp. The next task was to aro

hing but just a wolverine

tly, being attracted by the odor of fish. In one instance the black fox's pen had

relieved. As a matter of fact he had not much relished the noti

ance to nail them red-handed," said Tom, "s

nd he lost no time in obeying. Then, armed with rifles, having carefu

ts" flashed and burned against the sky, shedding a soft

under his breath, "is

and your false alarms, we might ha' been in our beds the noo'

y; "what's the matter with you

n my opeenion, yon noise was

f that carried hatchets," retorted Tom sharpl

the Yukon Rover's deck-house, into which

f dark blotches sharply outlined by their white background. These blotches they knew were the fox

hing?" asked Jack

just a minute,-

s eyes burning and his hea

y the la

at the blac


, I do! It


e! What'll

im, of cours

t before he could move another step he stopped short. From over

!" cried Sandy

ging forward once more, "it's the black fox he is a

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