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The Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three


Word Count: 1639    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

this is a clew to Mr.

ch bark, which had been rolled up into a cone-

those noises with, Jack, old fell

very red in the face. "I did think, though, that

experienced during the night. Tom already had a theory in his head as to what it was that had made the sounds, and, deducing from the fact t

oft moccasin-shod man. Then came the finding of the peculiar woods-made megaphone with which, bey

lan to frighten them off his tracks into execution. Tom was inclined to think that he must have turned back soon after he left the

hey walked back to breakfast before taking the trail again

some creepy,"

heir minds, and over their breakfast they fell to dis

Tom on the table thanking the unknown owner of the hut for his hospitality, when both boys were star

tement! Ha! Pier

was that of a venerable-looking man with a long white beard, out of which his sun-browned face looked oddly, as if peering from a bush. He

cried Jack. "Santa

d did bear a marked resemblance

ip again, and the Mamelukes, yapping and snarling, drew the creaking sled up to

you come from, eh? You look plantee

some fifty miles away, Tom told him of how they had passed the night in the hut. Then the old man

e man who had done it with all manner of torments, if he could catch him. A hasty investigation of the barrel showed, however, that the thief had on

d suffered at the hands of the marauder. "Joe Picquet make it ver' hot for him

ave passed him on t

Li'l old man all same la

a sled with

ellow. He no would rob like the man that was her

ined Tom dubiously. "Oh, by the

bushy eyebrows

inment. Li'l yellow cigar

n for certain," said Tom

ps of yellow cigarett

What a bad mans he must be! So you are

to get close enough to him to put th

e only two

ould not restrain a smile, for Joe Picquet him

eculative mood for a few seconds. The boys did not d

it I go long wid you

y thing! But are your dog

aughed sc

wouldn't tak one, two, t'ree hundred dollar for one of dem. I feed dem, den we start back again. The man

lips, and instantly the dogs began

"do not touch dem now. Dey are good dogs, but all malukes plenty mean. You got be

treatment. A mameluke is practically a wild beast broken to harness. They are swift and sure over the frozen lands, but there their associatio

ntiful provision of fish for the dogs. Presently he reappeared, and began throwing it among them, crackin

Hey, Victoire! Wha' for you bite ol

no effect on the dogs, who finished their meal with frenzied snap

old Joe, when the animals had lain down in the

ler warm reception when

long, wicked-looking old squirrel gun. Its barrel was almo

that?" asked Tom, as the old ma

Boosh! No can tell,"

hey set out once more along the trail, "old Santa Claus c

oting iron more for effect than anything else. Still, I'm glad

e we ought to have better luck alo

Tom and Jack sped after them

ck! went t

with whom the exclamation ap

which now lay on the sled, sped after them on rapidly moving snowsh

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