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The Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three


Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


ing the night in the same gh


ook hi

ats me what it can be. I

old shivers,"

ining his nerve which had been badly shaken

ne," objected Jack; "it so

each boy feel as if his hair was standing on end and ic

ows, death-death-death-to

ed Jack; "it's a

," said T

s nerve better than his younger brother, but the

ied out. Then fell a deep silence, broke

a ghost, what is

, it isn't a ghost. There are no such thing

noises," declared Jack. "It is a spirit or something, that's

I'll-I'll-" burst out Tom disgustedly


broad-in-the-land! O-

m that brought both boys out of the bunk

uggested Jack, glad of any theory that migh

at racket. Besides, there's all that stuff abou

ul!" stammer

to find out

ined. He began examining the lock of his repea

going out there

elf just what it is, or who it is,

collecting some ghost stories he had read, he con

it!" declared Tom, who couldn't help smiling,

ey could not tell with accuracy from just what direction it came, and also that they were the only living beings in that part of the country, made it all the more

, also armed, and trying desperately to keep his teeth from chattering. The Northern Lights were fl

within the cleared space, they mus

ng was to

ystified. The whole thing certainly flavored of the supernatural, and yet the boy's better sense told him that it could be no such thing. Th

hut as they could, the two lads were fain to go back again into the structure,

any imaginable way, he would not have been so worried over it. It was the very fact

t visit them for a long time. They were under far too great a strain for that. They

hing that will throw some light on the ma

out there," scoffed Jack. "It's no use talking, Tom

u think it

ghostly warning to

sure. I didn't know they we

t ghosts giving warnings and so on. That vo

only know of one person who might


hat stole tha

you th

ng. Now try to get to

But the voice did not come again, and at last his ey

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