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The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest

The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest



Word Count: 2214    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Always the same climbing combers smoothly traveling in from eternity, mounting their hills to the playful height of liquid s

t is simply bigger and grander than anything I have ever dreamed of," declared Gr

ribe it," admitted Cleo. "Doesn't it

looks like-like the original public service telephone company, or the first gas and electric p

to a first-class Turkish bath. There! How the mighty hath fallen! From the origin of noise and eternity spilled out, down to a mundane yet high

e gods, or the incense of the mermaids. Weasie, I see you are going to keep us down to earth; and I guess you a

er. That's simply wonderful. But you little Westerners, all the way from Pennsylvania," and she laughed at the idea, "you, of course, have only seen good old Lake Erie.

lashed the three pairs of new summer pumps, befo

eing it? And we standing right there watching it! My shoes are simply done for,

ho now stood sponsor for the ocean and its habit

the soaking wet slippers. "I suppose we may call this our initiation. Changi

come into the sands barefoot. I suppose that's why all the picture dancers are barefoot on the sands; it's so hard on slippers. There's

it?" teased Louise. "But don't let's m

ded in the sand. On this the three chums took refuge from the ocean water and sea of sand,

hile our wash dries we can tell marine stories. Grace, you had better put

d she placed the two black slippers much farther up from the line marked by the incoming tide. "I hope the next set of waves

sk, and Cleo proceeded to narrate the details

poly Madaline with us," she explained. "Of course, we shall miss her, but we

we shall have wonderful times visiting her. And we can see all the dances

n the fifteenth," said Louise. "Perhaps Ma

"and there isn't a streak of smoke

declared Grace. "Where can it be!" a

and dragging her chums with her. "We a

Grace. "Just see!" exhibiting a s

art in there?" questio

hey jumped from their places when a sheet of flame shot ou

lucky not to be blown up. How did that

off a fuse," sugge

h to create a draft; and the paper must have been smoldering. Now, just look at our perfectly good seat turned i

firebug," she finished, dragging from the sand a bottle and proceeding to pull out the paper which had been carefully wound with

ed, "a message from the

ck to hear the contents of

she repeated, "and not a human in sight that fire-bug fires. And signing himself the Weasle! Must be pretty snappy. Well, I say girls, as early

and leaves the fires to start up with a clock signa

o laughed the

pose, who has been reading too much Captain Kidd. At any rate let us be glad we didn't burn up more skirts, although it is too bad to spoil that splendid new

ther low down to trust my wealth to it. However, it is all right. And the fire will finish drying our socks and pumps. And also, we have

nd everything out. When the other schools close next week I suppose we won't be able to find one another, with the crowds that will flock to this beach. And just now we have it

the rolled slip of paper which Cleo had handed

nterrupted Cle

e one who i

e. Firebugs don't grow in the ocean, like crabs. Just see that funny crab trying to

in the sand near the edge. "I believe this fellow could do most

Grace, "I'm glad

he ugly?" and a determined thrust with her beach stick (a piece of bambo

to that letter in the bottle," proposed Cl

is insured or not. But I do know it has lovely furniture and mother says it's a perfect joy to come into a ho

ed Louise. "Let's write a note just for

ould be seen flying in the early summer breeze. She returned

e have seen your sign and will return for vengeance!' Signed 'The Pirates!' There!" sh

, and into this the girls' letter was poked, with

t out at Flosston, then last summer at Bellaire. I suppose, like trouble, adventure is bound to come to those who seek it. Now, we are all ready. Have

id Grace, "but we shall inspect yours first

see my sleeping porch. I hardly believe

nt," said Cleo. "Just fancy them exting

ith their merry laughter for all cou

er friends from the boardwalk along the Avenue to her

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