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The Memoirs of a White Elephant


Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

my bath, or to follow her in search of food; some gay frolics with elephants of my own age; excessive fear during the great storms; pillage of the enemy's fields-and long

, and I would have been glad to think that I was mistaken; but it was evident that no matter what advances were made by me, I was avoided

pinkish colour.... How did that happen? Mortification overwhelmed me. And I forme

the branches with my trunk, and saw a singular being, who walked on two legs-and yet was not a bird. He wore neither feathers nor fur; bu

e presence of this creature-so small that without the slightest effort I could have c

on the ground, making extraordinary motions, of which I did not c

nd retired, bowing at every s

me he was not alone. On seeing me his companions, like himself, performed the same singular movements

thought the men so pretty, so light and graceful in

y went away, and

r at me and made friendly signals. It flattered me that he did not seem to feel repelled by my appearance, but on the contrary see

y enjoy, and held them out to me, as though to offer them for my ac

ot so much by the sight of the delicacies as by the wish to enjoy his company. He insisted

I was so delighted with the companionship of my new friend that I took no notice of the direction in which he was leading me. But suddenly I stopped. I saw with uneasiness that I was quite lost. We had come out o

iendly blow with his trunk, of sufficient force

this blow, under which my flank

by similar calls. Seriously frightened now, I turned abr

as so much larger than he that it seemed easy to overtake him. I rushed in pursuit, but just as I caught up with him I was obliged to stop short. He h

es of my false friend, who beat me cruelly with their trunks, and at l

ng my tusks into the walls, and seizing the timbers with my trunk, endeavouring to wrench them apart. It was against the door that I strove most furiously.... But all was useless. M

wound around my feet. Groaning deeply, I reproached him with his perfidy; but he gave me to understand th

in this manner. I strove with desperation

fatigue, I threw myself on the gr

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