The Memoirs of a White Elephant
of making long discourses (which I finally grew to understand), cam
saw from his agitated air that som
You, who are now an elephant, but were once a King could tell me, if only you could speak. You could tell me if the numerous transformations, the changes, have brought you most joy or sorrow. Your wisdom could put an end to my anxiety, perhaps; But perhaps, on t
en you know not-and that is
er, himself durst not do so!)-our great King is the father of several Princes, and also of a Princess-a beautiful Princess-who is of a marriageable age.... Well! that is it! She is about to be married. The King Phra, P
Princess. Yes! even so. Without asking your pleasure in this affair, they have made a g
t the noble elephant whom I attend?
owry. We are bound to each other till death-we are but one! You go where I conduct
nd I was greatly disturbed
andon this beautiful home so abundantly provided with good things!... Surely this was cause for weeping! But
he best way was to wait-and f