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The Memoirs of a White Elephant

Chapter 8 BATTLE

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, the shouts of the combatants; the tumult, the smoke, the dust-excite in you a strange madness, which makes you hate the creatures wh

But suddenly I saw my Master in danger; a horseman was aiming at him at close range. He had not time to fire-my armed tusks disappeared in

embowelled all before me-making corpses of the living, and crushing t

as discharged, was never silent, and his aim was so sure that he never missed. The Enemy's ranks crumbled before us. And Alemguir,

defiance at him, and defied hi

led scornfully an

ed away by the fury of the battle, had a better opportunity of observing t

ward!" And my Mahout could jab my ear

ppy slave. "The army of Golconda is in retreat,

lled off my neck, clinging an instant

He was

tly over with the tip of my trunk-he did n

quickly-almost without pain. This then

ly to me, "Ought we to rejoice, or weep?" Alas! he wa

houts of triumph. My

jah from his elephant. "He shall d

d in running knots which they had thrown around m

was taken; and

he was suffering a thousand times more from fear and anxi

d behold! we were vanquished-prisoners-and the Prince, loaded with chains, was now list

y had no intention of killing me. But I had been so

s if I had best pretend to submit. I began to feel the smart of my wounds,

oans-as if imploring assista

ventured to approach. I redoubled

ust look after him, and take care of h

elping them as well as I could. When it was

ds, but only one was of any cons

anwhile; I thought of my Master, who, perhaps,

corner of my eye, without seeming to do so

o a stake, and that soldiers with

that I gave were most sincere-but it

but myself. And I took pains to be so grateful to the surgeon for his services that he was

ve him some food and drink, for he seems very tire

ge; vegetables, and rice, and fresh water in a great vessel. I thought of Prince

ger soon subdues and enfeebles us. I must eat, in or

id, disinclined for food, and did

hey put a light rope on my foot and

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