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The Mystery of Space

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 10696    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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Use of Analogies to Prove the Existence of a Fourth Dimension-The Generation of a Hypercube or Tesseract-Possibilities in the World of the Fourth Dimension-So

is impossible to actualize in the phenomenal universe. In fact, there is no necessity to consider the limitations imposed by the actualities of the sensuous world. Logic is the architect of this region, and

eal of confusion as to the proper limits and restrictions of these conceptions has arisen and there still may be found those who are enthusiastically endeavoring to push the actualities of the physical over into the conceptual. But in assuming any attitude towards mathetic propositions, especially with a view to demonstrating their actuality

much difference between the sensuous percept and the real thing itself as between an object and its shadow. In fact, a concept viewed in this light, may be seen to have all the characteristics of an ordinary shadow; for instance, the shadow of a tree. View it as the sun is rising; it will then be seen to appear very much elongated, becoming less in length and more distinct in outline as the sun

s, being analogous to similar attitudes in the solar influence are the main determinants of the character of the mental shadow or concept. Wherefore mathematical "spaces" or magnitudes are not sensuous things and have therefore no more real existence than a shadow, and strictly speaking not as much; for a shadow may be seen, while such magnitudes

negligible quantity, is due to the failure of sensuous objects to conform wholly to the specific details of the mental shadow or mentograph. This lack of congruence between the mental picture and the object itself is necessary for obvious reasons. It is markedly observable in the early efforts of a child in learning distances, weights, resistances, temperatures and the like. No inconsiderable time is required for the child to be able correctly to harmonize his sense-deliveries with actual conditions. Otherwise, the child would never make any of the ludicrous mistakes of judgment of which it is guilty when trying to get its bearings in the world of the senses. In the

be no necessity to correct the delivery of one by those of the others. This, of course, raises the question as to the necessity of sense-experience at all under conditions where there would be no disparity between the thing itself and the ideal representation o

rity between the object of sense and the mental picture of it which exists in the consciousness has proceeded to such a li

s. The conclusion that the mind of early men who lived hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of years ago on this planet consumed a much longer time in learning the adjustments between the objects which it contacted in the sensuous world and the

se than any other consideration, accounts for the fundamental discrepancies in the mind of the primitive man in comparison with the efficiency of the mind of the present-day man. In view of the potential character of mind and in the light of the well graduated scale of its accomplishments, it is undoubtedly safe to conclude that the quality of mental capacities is proportional to the psychic fluxional which may exist at any time between the ideal and the essent

ity for minds of similar characteristics, or minds that have the same degree of differential; so that, in choosing among the many possible judgments predicable upon a species of data, all those minds having the same degree of psychic differential discover a special affinity or agreement among themselves. Hence, we have cults, schools of thought, and various other sectional bodies that find a basis of agreement for their operations in this way. The outcome of this rem

be understood at the outset that the fourth dimension can neither be actualized nor made objectively possible even in the slightest degree in the perceptua

Simon Ne

thin the limits of our experience, there is no motion of material masses, in the direction of a fourth dimension, no physica

if by pursuit of the same an improvement of methods of research and of the outlook upon the field of the actual

. Why should we stop here? May there not be spaces of four dimensions and more?" Or he has said: "If 'A' may represent the side of a square, A2 its area, and A3 the volume of a cube

. Realities are imperceptible and incomprehensible to the intellect which has aptitude only for a slight comprehension of the symbols of realities. For instance, a tree is a natural symbol. It represents an actuality which is imperceptible to the intellect. The intellect can deal only with the sensible symbol. It is a natural symbol; because it is possible directly to trace a living connection between the tree and the tree-reality. That is, it would be possible so to trace out the vital connection between the tree and its reality if the intellect had aptitude for such tracery. But, in reality, since it has no such aptitude, it remains for the work of that higher faculty than the intellect which recognizes both the connection and the intellect's inability to trace it. Further, an object is called a natural symbol because it is the bridge between sensuous representation and reality. It is as if one could begin at the surface of an object and by a subtle process of elimination and excorticat

f objects in the physical world. Even if it be granted that such may be the case, is it not certain that there is a limit to things in the objective universe? Yet there may not be any limit to algebraic or mathematical determinations. Th

symbols of the crasser or nether pole of the antipodes of realism. It is exceedingly dangerous, therefore, to predicate upon such a far-fetched symbolism as mathematics furnishes anything purporting to deal with ultimate rea

is without their plane. They can move in any direction within the plane in which they live, but can have no idea of any movement that might carry them without that plane. A house for such beings might be simply a series of rectangles. One of them might be as safe behind a line as a tridim or three dimensional being would be behind a stone wall. A bank safe for the unodim would be a mere circle. A duodim in any two dimensional prison might be rescued by a tridim without the opening of doors or the breaking of walls. An action of a tridim performed so as to contact their plane would be to them a miracle, absolutely unaccountable upon the basis of any known fact to the unodim

s. Hyde might abound everywhere without fear of detection. Objects as well as persons might be made to pass into or out of closed rooms "without penetrating the walls," thus making escape easy for the imprisoned. No tridimensional state, condition or system of arrangements, accordingly, would be safe from the ravages of evilly inclined four dimensional entities. Objects that now are limited to a point or line rotation could in the fourth dimension rotate about a plane and thus further increase the perplexities of our engineering and mechanical problems; four lines could be erected perpendicular to each other whereas in three space only three such lines can be erected; the right hand could be maneuvered into the fourth dimension and be recovered as a l

which they discovered were but incidents in the larger and more comprehensive process of adjustment to the great outstanding facts of psychogenesis which is only faintly foreshadowed in the so-called hyperdimensional. The whole scope of inquiry connected with hyperspace is not an end in itself. It is merely a means to an end. And that is the preparation of the human mind for the inborning of a new faculty and consequently more largely extended powers of cognition. Metageometrical discoveries are therefore the exc

t-position in it. The plane, abcd, figure 8, is said to be two dimensional because two co?rdinates, ab and db are required to locate a point, as the point b. The cube abcdefgh, figure 9, is said to be tridimensional, because, in order to locate the point



lines ab and bd are perpendicular to each other. Similarly, in Fig. 10, lines ab, bc, bb' and h'b are perpendicular to one another.



n such a space are called duodims. The cube, abcdefgh, represents a three-space and entities inhabiting such a space are called tridims. Figure 10 repre

nd of volume, the hypervolume. The hypercube or tesseract is described by moving the generating cube in the direction in which the fourth dimension extends. For instance, if t

ng at the points, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. Hence a'b', b'd, dd', d'a', ef, fg, gg', g'e, represent the final cube resulting from the hyperspace movement. Counting the number of cubes that compose the hypercube we find that there ar

ents of a tesseract, the f

lines in the generating cube by two, and add a line for

ply the number of planes in the generating cube by 2 and

the number of cubes in the generating cube, one, by two

rs: Multiply the number of corners in th

ther. These may be joined, forming an equilateral triangle in which th

vertices of a regular tetrahedron may be found such points. The tetrahedron has f

Fig. 12. If a plane be passed through each of the six edges of the tetrahedron and the new vertex there will be six new planes or faces, making 10 in all, counting the original four. From the new vertex there is also



ged that they give eight representations of a cube

reflected below and the object thus doubled is mirrored not only on both upright sides but in addition in the corner beyond, appearing in either of the uprig

re assumed to be boundaries. If we were four dimensional beings we could naturally and easily enter into the mirrored space and transfer tridimensional bodies or parts of them into those other objects reflected here in the mirrors representing the boundaries of the four dimensional object. While thus on the one hand the mirrored pictures would be as real as the original object, they would not tak

fourth dimension. It only shows what might be if there were a four-space in which objects could exist and be examined. We, of course, have no right to assume that because it can be shown by analogous reasoning that certain characteristics of the fourth dimensional object can be

the fact that they are regarded as boundaries of the hypercube; especially is this true when it is noted that these reflections are called upon to play the part of real, palpable boundaries. If a fourth dimensional object were really like the mirror-representation it would be open to serious objections from all viewpoints. The replacement of any of the boundaries required in the analogy would necessarily mean the replacement of the hypercube itself. In other words, if the real cube be removed from its position at the inte

hyperspace conception are dwelt upon at

n assumed point. Thus what would be said to lie in a plane in one relation would lie in the third dimension in another. There is nothing to determine absolutely what is the first, second, or third dimension. If the plane horizontal to the senso

dimension, then all other lines than the specified ones are either not in any dimension at all, or they are outside the three given dimensions. This is denied by all parties, which only shows that a vertical relation to other lines is not necessary to the determination of a dimension. 2. If lines outside the three vertically intersecting lines still lie in dimension or are reducible t

y to the supposition. On the other hand, the term has a specific meaning which as different qualitatively from the generic includes a right to use the generic term to describe them differentially, but if used only quantitatively, that is, to express direction as it, in fact, does in these cases, involves the admission of the actual, not a supposititious, existence of a fourth dimension which again is contrary to the supposition of the non-Euclidean geometry.

elaboration of their assumptions. Yet it sometimes requires the illogical, the absurd and the aberrant to bring us to a right conception of the truth, and when we come to

rdingly, aptly set forth by H

ings of the term 'dimension.' This when once discovered, either makes the controversy ridiculous or the claim for non-Euclidean properties a mere truism, but effectually explodes the logical claims for a new dimensional quality of s

ness of Hyslop's judgment in this respect is undeserved. It is, however, regretted that the notions of mathematicians have been so inchoate as to justify this rather caustic, though appropriate criticism. For it does appea

e so-called dimensionality of space, nevertheless lends himself to the view that "if we think of the line as gene

ed. To determine a line, it is, then, enough to determine two of its points, one in the one plane and one in the other. For each of these determinations two data, as before expla

r the four dimensional

ent facts about it, as say, three that shall determine its center and one its size. Hence our space is four dimensional also in spheres. In circle

ds inhering in it a sort of latent geometrism which is kosmical. For there is a wide difference between that kosmic order which is space and the finely elaborated abstraction which the geometer deceives himself into identifying with space. There is absolutely neither perceptible nor imperceptible means by which perceptual space in anywise can be affected by an act of will, ideation or movement. Just why mathematicians persist in vagarizing upon the generability of space by movement of lines, circles, planes, etc., is confessedly not easily understood especially when the natural outcome of such procedure is self-stultification. It is far better to recognize, as a guiding principle in all mathematical disquisitions respecting the nature of space that the possibilities found to inhere in an idealized construction cannot be objectified in kosmic, sensible space. The line of demarkation should be drawn once for all, and all

ng it similarly, and generating a plane; taking the plane, moving it in a direction at right angles to itself and generating a cube; finally, using the cube as generating element and constructing a four-space figur

tion the human mind may, in the course of time, speedily develop a spatial intui

refore, determinable only by the limitations of consciousness and the deliveries of our intuitive cognitions. As a more detailed discussion of this phase of the subj

n to the metageometricians, when it is absolved from direction although no specific direction can be assigned to it. It is agreed perhaps among all non-Euclidean publicists that the fourth dimension must lie in a "direction which is at right angles to all the three dimensions." But if they are asked how this direction may be ascertained or even imagined they are nonplused because they simply do not know. The difficulty in this connection seems to hinge about the question of identify

ace in which rotation can take place only about one of the two points a and b. In Figure 8 which represents a two-space, rotation may take place about the line ab or the line cd, etc., or, in other words, the plane abcd can be rotated on the axial line ab in the direction of the third dimension. In tridimensional

t with this, as with the entire fabric of hyperspace speculations, dependence is placed almost entirely upon ana


f the plane into the third dimension, a dimension of which the plane being has no knowledge, in like manner rotation about a plane is also unimaginable or incomprehensible to a tridim or a


t the same time assuming that the lines thus generated were merely successions of points extending in the same direction, he could demonstrate that the entire cube Figure 14, could be rotated about the line BHX used as an axis. For upon this hypothesis it would be arguable that a cube is a succession of planes piled one upon the other and limited only by the length of the cube which would be extending in the, to him, unknown direction of the third dimension. He could very l

ne. Thus in Figure 16 is shown a cube which has been rotated about one of its faces and changed from its initi



tire series of planes is rotated, one by one, around the series of lines which constitute the axial plane. Hence, in order that the cube, Figure 16, may change from its initial position to its final position each one of the infinitesimal planes of which the cube is assumed to be composed must be made to rotate about each one of the infinitesimal lines of which the plane used as an axis is composed. In this way, it is shown that the entire cube has been made to rotate about its face, cefg. This c

n cannot be too emphatically insisted upon; for many have been led into the error by relying too confidentially upon results based upon this line of argumentation.

that direction. We are in the very beginning of the process of plane-rotation so-called confronted with a physical impossibility. 2. Plane rotation necessarily involves the orbital diversion of every particle in the cube. This alone is sufficient to prohibit such a rotation; for it is obvious that the moment a particle or any series of particles is diverted from its established orbital path disruption of that portion of the cube must necessarily follow. This upon the assumption that the particles of matter are in motion and revolving in their corpuscular orbits. 3. Plane-rotation necessitates a radical change in the absolute motion of each indi

a slight possible stretching and slight changing of positions of

with particles of matter which are themselves of very infinitesimal size means far more-enough, as we have said, to militate severely against the integrity of the cube. It is not

icists none is perhaps more notable t

dimensional space, then the dissimilarity of the discharge from the positive and negative poles would be an indication of the one-sidedness of our space. The only cause of difference in the two discharges

an actual, objective fourth dimension to our space we might be able to shove into it all the perplexing problems of life and let it solve them for us. But the fact that the fourth dimensional hypothesis is itself a mere supposition seems to have bee

it the essential content of the manifested universe is a matter of profound amazement. Then, too, it cannot be denied that there is no appreciable urgency or necessity for having recours

their presence upon unprotected three dimensional beings is no less fatuous than the original supposition itself. For upon this latter is built the entire fabric of meaningless speculations so gleefully indulged in by those who glibly proclaim

e basis of which all the antics of these entities can be explained, and that satisfactorily, one would, as a matter of course, be inclined to lend some credence to these claims; but as it is clear that all organized beings have some power, if no more than that which maintains their organization, and as it ought also be an acceptable fact th

l spectacle of eight alcohols from one formula. Have chemists actually exhausted all purely physical means of reaching an understanding of the carbon compounds and are therefore compelled to resort to questionable means in order to make additional progress in their field? It is incredible. Hence the more facetious appears the mathematical extravaganza in which originates the tendence among the more sanguine advocates to make of the fourth dimension

of polarized light is due to the assumption of a fourth dimensional direction by some component in the acid. This for the reason that experimentation has shown that tartaric acid, in one form, will turn the plane of polarized light to the right while in another form will turn it to the left. It is not believed, however, that there is any warrant for such an assumption. There is also another kind of tartrate which seems to be neutral in that it has no effect whatever upon the beam of light, turning it neither to the right nor to the left nor having other visible or determinable effect upon it. Indeed, it is not

orps, United States Army, in The Fourth

f the ether. The real nature of these phenomena has never been fully explained by three dimensional mathematical analysis. Indeed, the unexplained residuum would seem to indicate that so far we have merely been considering t

expressed connivance at his position is allowable. But, on the other hand, if such were not the conscious intent of Major Ellis it is not understood how it should appear that "the unexplained residuum would seem to indicate that so far we have merely been considering the three dimensional aspects of four dimensional processes." Contrarily, it has yet to be proved that three dimensional space does not afford ample scope of motility for all observable or recognizable physical processes and that there is no nec

mple study of four-space by

o the symmetrical life-cell, and death, the reverse

lly speaking a very beautiful thing to contemplate death as a painless, unconscious involvement into a glorious one-ness with all life

declared that "there is no proof that the molecule may not vibrate in a fourth dimension. There are facts which seem to indicate at

a four-space neither is there proof nor probability that it is so hidden. Inde

o hear or sense in any way is this mysterious, eternally prolific, all-powerful something, hyperspace, ever-ready to nourish and sustain the forms which have the nether parts firmly encysted in one or the other of her n-dimensional berths. Thus it would s




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