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The Golden Age


Word Count: 2147    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

t may be false Heraldry—Nature’s generally is—but it correctly blazons the display that Edward and I considered from the rick

ng his weird, with such assistance as the chemist could afford. But Edward and I,[108] knowing that this particular field was to be carried to-day, were revelling in the privilege of riding in the empty waggons from the rickyard back to the sheaves, whence we returned toilfully on foot, to career it again over the billowy acres in these great g

forget the precise number of guns. Edward always collared the best parts to himself; but I was holding my own gallantly,[109] when I suddenly discovered that the floor we battled on was swarming with earwigs. Shrieking, I hurled free of him, and rolled over the tail-board on to the stubble. Edward executed a war-da

eller: distinction, in that folk turned the head to note you curiously; insecurity, by reason of the ever-present possibility of missiles on the part of the younger inhabitants, a class eternally Conservative. E

, clean-shaven, clad in well-worn black—a clergyman evidently; and I noted at once a far-away look in his eyes, as if they were used to another plane of vision, and could not instantly focus things

gnising at once the natural attitude of a man to whom his fellows were gentlemen all, neither Jew nor Gentile, clean no


. Your lot is the happier. And now—’ his hand had been resting all this time on a wicket-gate—‘you are hot, it is easily seen;—

poet’s. A straight flagged walk led up to the cool-looking old house, and my host, lingering in his progress at this rose-tree and that, forgot all about me at least twice, waking up and apologising humbly after each lapse. During these intervals I put two and two together, and identified him as the Rector: a ba

d under no aunts. Stout volumes in calf and vellum lined three sides; books sprawled or hunched themselves on chairs and tables; books diffused the pleasant odour of printers’ ink and bindings; topping all, a faint aroma of tobac

s the most natural wish in the world—his eyes were already straying towards another corner, w

ubt. ‘At home I’m not allowe

e irresistible writing-table. In ten seconds he was out of sight and call. A great book open on his knee, another propped up in front, a score or so disposed within easy re

e of each note in itself are only appreciated by the strummer. For some notes have all the sea in them, and some cathedral bells; others a woodland joyance and a smell of greenery; in some fauns dance to the merry reed, and even the grave centaurs peep out from their caves. Some bring moonlight, and some the deep crim

se Germans,’ he began abruptly, as if we had been in the middle of a discussion, ‘the scholarship is there, I

ecidedly: the word German only suggesting Ban

ss and temperance in so young a critic. They are qualities—in youth—as rare as they are pleasing. But just l

me sinuous and snark-like conflict in progress on the mat; but al

in so happy a degree, there is no difficulty at all. But to this Schrumpffius——’ But


recting a faulty emendation. ‘I’ve put some cakes and things for t

k it before it gets cold,’ she observed again, impassively. The wretched man cast a deprecating look at me. ‘Perhaps a little tea would be rather nice,’ he observed feebly; and to my great relief

f day he was certainly and surely penniless. Morn by morn he started forth with pockets lined; and each returning evening found him with never a sou. All this he proceeded to explain at length to the tramp, courteously and even shamefacedly, as one who was in the wrong; and at last the gentleman of the road, realising the hopelessness of his case, set to and cursed him with gusto, vocabulary, and abandonment. He reviled his eyes, his features, his limbs, his profe

all! But only stoop—catch the light thwartwise—and all is a silver network of gossamer! So the fairy filaments of this strange thing underrun and link together the whole world. Yet it is not the old imperious go

ces everywhere, above and around. Only Hesperus hung in the sky, solitary, pure, ineffably far-

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