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The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge


Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

last of that ruffian," exclaimed

Professor," answered Tad,

at makes you

en with us. However, there's no use to worry about him.

ered Chunky. "I wonder if there are

ery well in helping to hold the other mountaineers o


Never go to sleep unless ther

I should say there was

as the

s sle

better reason, Tad," said the

y?" laughed Tad. "That a

e sky nearly seven thousand feet. The Pony Rider Boys were now approaching what was known as "The Land of the Sky," and their spirits w

e upon a mountaineer's cabin. The occupants of such always were suspicious of the s

r disturbing factor had come up to irritate them. Their food was most mysteriously disappear

pected Stacy Brown and his appetite; then the guide came in for a share of suspicion, but not a clue was the lad able to find. He thought he had che

n around these diggings," declared Chunky as th

an find out just what is going on you will be doing th

m last night,

were living in marble

he next tent. I've had the same dream for three nights running. And,

as your dream

f it is another of your ol

it, Chunky,"

," replied the fat boy i

ave been any more terrible than t

tacy paused to gaze feel

? Yes?" remi

three blind men leading a

" scoffed

erve-racking scene. Don't look at me like that, William

t did the three blind men

zing steadily at the wide-eyed Chops. Chops was actually pale abo

, now really worked up to

t chasing a three-legged rat through a field of red clove

a roar of laughter, with the exception of Stacy, who sat as solemn as an o

iet had once more been restored, "why was the black cat ch

the biscuit that have been st

took no part. The guide was too thoroughly frightened to be

ouldn't be surprised if some one were going to die. I'm sur

hat it means," in

mean, then?" d

for the last three nights before turning in. I am begi

y. "Now seeing you are an oracle, what would it have meant had the rat been running t

ean that instead of eating biscuit before g

rinned Chunky. "But you don't


that give you the shivers up and down your back when they're

yassir," chat

ke, Chunky. He'll run in

Stacy. "I heard the cat utter a nam

the cat

id, 'Meow!'

, Veal,' just as plainly as you c


id the rat look

like a rat," answered

on't choose a more cheerful topic for discussion

t to dream of four-legged rats and blind mice, and be

elf. He strolled over to where B

" he whispered sharply

nd with a leap cleared the campfire a

e He

goes," w

im!" sho

the Professor. But Chops was on fleet feet, wi

of our guide," moaned the Pr

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