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The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge


Word Count: 1562    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Tad to congratulate him on his plucky fight. But Tad was too much interested in rescuing the

congratulations. They were men who, for reasons best known to themselves, sympathized with Smoky Griffin, but who h

ot that can fit like that without turnin' a hair is welcome to anything that Jim Abs's got. Come righ

at I can think of that would make me any happier

rdner. Want a bit

let me pay fo

th of benefit in getting rid of Smoky Griffin. He won

e water without the

mp at the rear of the store. Into each glass he squeezed some juice from a lemon, adding a spoonful of


that lemonade," gasped Chunky between gulps

lared Abs, addressing Tad, at w

battle grin had given place to a smile that was almost girlish in its sweetness. It was a winning smile, too, bu

nish writing their letters. Tad's letter to his mother wa

l them to wait till I finish my letter, then I'll attend to them," said Stacy

picked up the weapon, examining it critically. H

"Smoke may come along looking for it when he

't show his face around these

ap gun as that. Why, he couldn't hit the side of

scovered the big eyes of Billy Veal pe

ctly safe for you now. Here, have a banana," offered Stacy, helping himself to one from the

banana," commanded Tad, glanci

say we could have

as I t

el, then," begg

you are, Stacy Bro

anding out a five-cent piece. "Th

? Don't you think I have trouble enough withou

he porch threw himself down and began scribbling. After a few minutes of this Stacy's head began to nod. He recovered himself with a start

This done they started for their ponies, Chops having, in the meantime, packed the supplies. Th

onder by that rise of groun

storekeeper. "You'l

t to the rise

to three

l your kindness. We may be back here for further supplies later

pent nearly twenty dollars with him, so of course he would be glad to see

so that the hoofbeats should not awaken the sleeper. While all this was going on the loungers sat about watching the

to their interfering with Stacy. The fat boy, in all probability, would not have awakened in hours had n

at up gr

at do you want to

ust have gone into the store, he got up and hurried in. Mr. Abs was unusually busy

's my

manded the storekeeper i

Where's the re

t you

uldn't be askin

forcibly, for he nodded his head until Chunky

e are

re on their way

r way to Smoky Bald?

dn't you

through the door. Shading his eyes he gazed off across the plateau. There

manded, turning to the grinn

is, boss,"

led when he failed to find the animal where he had left it, and it was some five minutes later when he discovered the horse. It did not take the boy many seconds to leap int

ady the pony's neck was flecked with foam, Stacy urging the animal on to renewed efforts by frequen

ad as a report from Stacy's

a cloud of dust rising betw

out of sight before he to

l enthusiasm of the moment, touched spurs

e sweat rolling from his face,

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