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The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge


Word Count: 1678    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t flashed from his eyes, but Smoky Griffin, after a moment, strode

ters?" jeere

other," answered Tad laughingly. "If you consider it any of your

open where they might witness what they were sure would follow. The face of Smoky

n turned to

my busi

be good enough to keep quiet until I fini

the sort occurred, however. But something else, still less expected, did happen. With a growl, Smoky stretched forth


from the porch. A dull red fl

ting a quick glance at the approaching Pon

dered Butler in the quiet tone tha

rk today,

r!" Tad's tone was pi

er That

esolute young fellow who stood confronting him. Then

n Dear M


rson there. Even Chops, now hiding behind the store, heard it, and his eyes grew large, for he expected to hear t

s hand did not quite touch the butt of the gun. Ere it had rea

y half way around. A quick left-hand swing caught the ma

oping over and deftly removing the bully's pistols, which he "broke," scatte

e stock was tied and leaning against the tie rail, one hand on

ere they came from, began to murmur angrily. It was all right so long as Smoky was having fun with another,

pale under its coat of tan. Reaching for his revolvers he found the holsters

ected Tad in a low voice,

ers began cro

r his gun is going to get his right there and then. We didn't start this row, but we're going to s

inly tickled at the insult to the bully, but they, of course, did not express their satisfaction in words. It was not safe to do so just yet. Perhaps Smoky might take his re

Professor Zepplin

op that!" he co

fellow assaulted Tad. I am keeping the oth


butt of my revolver just now," answered Ned, never

un!" roare

natomy," answered Rector. "I'll shoot the first man who tri

in that he could look for no help from his associates. Once more Smoky roared. At least, he could punish the fellow who was responsible for t

iting for you!" urged Butl

oughly at home with a gun in his hands, but without a weapon he was as awkward as

ished with you. It's my opinion that you need a lesson. It will be d

could recover his balance Butler had planted a blow on the man's nose that liter

s was a blind, murderous rage. Butler was playing with him like a cat with a mouse. Now and then the Pony Rider Boy would send in a punch, ever aiming for the damaged nose of Smoky Griffin,

showing no preference. It was plain to the other boys that Butler was determined to teach a lesson that Smoky would not soon forget. Tad's face n

why don't you?

nough?" asked Tad, ste

such as the one before him, should possess so much skill and such a punch-it seemed to Smoky like the kick of a mule-passed al

got three blows, on as many different parts of

never would give up as long as he were able to lif

s slender antagonist it would have ended the fight. Tad swung the blows in so fast that his companions were unable to count them, a

r the fellow, sorry that he himself had

this may teach you a lesson to mind

who had downed the bully of two counties. As quickly as his maimed condition would permit Smoky mount

ever the power of the bully

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