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The Fate of a Crown


Word Count: 2567    |    Released on: 21/11/2017

e house and terminated in a domed chamber const

ses of steel, and so heavy that it could be raised only by a stout iro

lass. Gradually but without noise the heavy door of metal

egular formation. It was about three feet square and the curious indentations, each one of whi

light," sai

ving us in to

se, followed by a soft shooting of many bolts. Then a match flick

upon hinges, showing three iron s

a shuddering glance at the great door that stood suspend

, doubtless fed by a storage battery, was

enter was a small table and two wooden stools. Shelves were ranged around the walls a

ir hands the lives and fortunes of many of the noblest families in Brazil-and our conspiracy would be nipped in the bud. You may know how greatly I trust you when I say that even my daughter does not

" I exc

t a clear knowledge of its secret. Even he, its inventor, could not pass the door without my assistance; for although he understands t

usty," said I, feeling


is an unimportant matter, for I seldom remain long in this place. It is a store-house-a secret crypt-not a work-room. My custom has been to carry all our records and papers here each morni

do willingly

while he manipulated the trap. Afterward the windlass allowed the outer plate of metal to

understand in what manner the great door of shining steel was secured, a

k, but conceived a still greater admiration for the one man whose po

ly-to be in the Emperor's pay. But de Pintra merely shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Such a person could

ery pleasantly indeed, for my acquaintance with Lesba Paola had ripened 82into a cl

ing the declarations of love which were ever on my tongue, and I found it extremely difficult t

e the estates of all the grandees in the neighborhood. Dom Miguel, whose love for the beautiful girl

Cause, and one by one he was cleverly succeeding in winning them. My familiarity with the records taught me that the Revolution was being backed by the flower of Brazilian nobility-the most positive assurance in my eyes of the justice and timeliness of the great movement for liberty. The idea that monarchs derive their authority from divine sources-so prevalent amongst the higher classes-had dissolved befor

for a republic. Her passionate appeals 84were constantly inspiring her fellows with an enthusiastic devotion to the cause of liberty, and

c is exceeded by that of no man among us. But we are chary of admitting women to our councils, so

y her intimate knowledge of our progre

ssed by your visit

!" I exclaimed. "

gh; "everything, indeed, save the secret by means of which one may gain

ainly is,"

ard the artisans were sent home again; and not one of them, I believe, could again find his way

well don

dertakes is well done,

I never ventured to oppose it. We could not have remain

he seclusion of her own apartments. On the rare occasions of our meeting she treated me

y, and I could understand how her proud nature had resented the slanders of Francisco Paola, and writhed under them. But one evening an incident occurre

o the domed chamber while I carried the recor

efore the shooting of the bolts reached my ears there was a sharp report, followed by a vivid flash, and turning instantly I

e glitter of a gold ring protruding from one of the many curious indentations upon the pl

commanded de Pintr

wrist. The ring had disappeared, and the myst

through the passage and up the stairs. I followed them silently to the chief's study. T

you spy

xcited. She actually smiled-a hard, bitter smile-

or to this stairway was displaced, and a cold air came through it. Fearing that some danger menaced you I pass

zed upon his daughter. Then he

mocking expression in her

r cheeks an unwonted flush that

d the floor with nervous strid

u see?" he a

he trap, and the stone was fitted in

over his brow with

e murmured, "and my secre

king upon him curiousl

to be of no exceptional 89value. Indeed, the trinket was calculated to attract so little attent

abruptly, "is the

And now, looking at it closely, I saw that the stone was oddly cut, although the fac

is pacing, but pres

et it to Paola, or to Fonseca, or Piexoto as soon as possible-you know where they ma

be able to use the ring, even if it p

have time to test each cavity, they are sure to find the right one, and then the stone of my ring acts as a key. My real safety, as you will observe, lay in the hope that no

ty, why do you not send your

as her actions of to-night seem, I still hesitate to

t your own, sir,"

And its discovery would jeopardize the revolution itself. For this reason I shall keep Izabe

k pains to secure the trap in the study floor so that no one could follow us. After watching him apply the key several times I becam

osity concerning the secret vault. As for my fellow-rebel, the Senhorita Lesba, I rode and chatted with her in

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